How to hack your brain : Powerful brain hacks with examples to live a better life

How to hack your brain : Powerful brain hacks with examples to live a better life

Comforts available today has reached peak level in the history of humanity. No human generation ever before had these many comforts we are equipped with. Humans are getting everything they want from outside. 

But sadly humanity got far away from mental peace which is within themselves . Struggling alot and confused about keeping their brain at ease. It's sad but true that our generation has hit bottom level in physical and mental health levels when compared to any past generations ever. 

Even though we have some external medical resources available sadly they offer some temporary relief but not capable of giving solution for mental health issues completely.  It's open secret that majority people of present generation is going through various mental health problems like anxiety,panic attacks, depression etc. 

Only people who go through those issues can understand severity of situation. Even though if a person doesn't have these issues however  mental peace is far away for majority of people in this world. There are alternatives like taking proper food and doing yoga /meditation which i mentioned in my previous articles. 

But let's analyse what we can do from our side to avoid such issues and also achieve joy all the time with day to day examples . How can we become conscious and hack our brains to bail out of health issues.

" As people , priorities and incidents get changed consistently from time to time,Going to deal them with your past outdated impressions definitely creates conflicts."


We all have some kind of permanent impressions on every object and on every humans around us. Basically our activity and communication in a  day starts with past impressions we made with that particular person in our mind. Be it good or bad impressions. 

Example 1
Let's take a family. Suppose you have one elder brother and younger sister or assume your combination even your father,mother or wife whomever you live with. In this case your younger sister is positive towards you and you are having a good rapport with her. 

Where as  your elder brother behaviour is not so positive towards you. Like he always blames you or quarrels with you .You always get some negative impact from him. Naturally anger built ups with in you towards your brother . Everybody gets anger at that instance but make sure that this anger doesn't become some permanent impression. 

For example your brother got sick after some days and he needs support from your side , then just don't deny to help him with in your limits because of his past behaviours or the impressions you had on him. This is a big "No". 

You should behave same as you behave if your sister gets sick. Just look at the situation the way it is. That is possible only when you have no permanent impressions. What if we act based on our impressions?.

Suppose if you decide not to help him based on his previous behaviours then this is the point where your anger transforms into hatred. Once it transforms into hatred, it only becomes stronger and stronger such that your own mental health starts get effected. 

Your peace gets carried away frequently. Getting out of the hatred is a complicated task. Even it may suffer you with High b.p kind of physical issues. Does that mean to ignore your brother's behaviour completely? Definitely not! You are supposed to be careful with your brother behaviours from time to time and if possible solve it in peaceful way .  

To say short,Always forgive your brother but don't forget his behaviour. Forgive him so that you can stay in peace , do not forget so as to be careful with him in future. Use your memories just to make sure that you don't undergo the same suffering again and again but don't use your memories to make other person suffer.  

You are not supposed to take revenge. The moment you look for revenge then you are risking your mental health. This scenario is applicable for all social gatherings or to all people you communicate with. 

Example 2
Let's take another example. Suppose you work in a office. Naturally you get along with many people who works in your office apart from your team. One fine day you got some work issue and you have no clue how to solve it. Suppose you went to other person whom you know and ask their help to solve the issue. 

But despite your request that particular person denied to help you . Definitely you will get disappointed. But make sure the experience doesn't turns into some permanent bad impression on that particular person. Think like may be he has some other work etc and calm your brain. 

Few days later if the very same person comes to you and request your help to solve some other issue.  Now just because of your previous experience with that person you are not supposed to avoid him even if that person intentionally denied to help  when you are in need. 

This is how your brain should work. If you don't let your past impressions to become present actions then at any cost you will be at peace. You definitely not going to waste your energy and time in the form of hatred on that particular person.

Nowadays all engagements and communications are happening in same way. People creates some permanent impressions and apply them through out their lives and gets prone to horrible mental health issues unknowingly. 

As people , priorities and incidents gets changed consistently from time to time,Going to deal them with your past outdated impressions definitely creates conflicts. Keep your brain empty without any impressions . 

The moment a person starts to see the things the way they are without any previous impressions unless it's necessary(in case of safety issues) 90% of conflicts gets solved by themselves in every individual lives .It's definitely going to have positive impacts on physical and mental health. 

So try to hack your brain in this way. Apply this approach in your day to day dealings. It will definitely brings enormous positive change in our lives. Next article covers about types of food we  take that generates our emotions, thoughts and feelings in both positive and negative ways.

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