How food effects your personality : Decoding Food facts in simpler way

How food effects your  personality : Decoding Food facts in simpler way

Everybody in this world works very hard for a basic sole purpose , that is "Food".There is a common misconception that food is only for nourishment to body or to supply enough nutrients, vitamins and energy to body. 

Everything regarding food is considered as requirement only for body . But the fact is that food we consume not only address our bodily needs but  also impacts our "mind". Almost majority of people takes food as granted. 

Just take some food and fill your stomach  kind of attitude is seen in many people. Now let's analyse how food impacts the emotions. To do so you need to understand emotions first.

Happiness,joy,anger,hatred,jealousy, ego etc are the names given to certain chemical combinations that happens in our brain. The food you take is going to decide either to enhance or restrict the feelings, be it good or bad depending on type of food you take "

In my previous articles I stressed on humanity values , ethics and morals etc. Also mentioned to avoid anger, jealousy ,hatred etc. Now we comes to know why it is so important. 

People usually think that these emotions and thoughts, both let it be positive or negative are some beyond physical stuff . One needs to understand that our feelings are the names we given to the chemical combinations that happens inside our brain . They are very much physical substances . 

So happiness is some natural chemical composition in your brain . The same goes with jealousy , hatred , sad , anger , love , joy etc. All these names represent the respective chemical combinations in our brain. These are not some non physical things. 

For example if you are happy(a positive feeling) the body releases Dopamine , Gaba , oxytocin, serotonin, endorphin which enhances your happiness furthermore. Guess what, these secretions someway or other improves your both physical and mental health. 

The same happens whenever you experience love , serving others, helping others, being loyal, following ethics and morals and goes for all positive feelings. When you experience some anger immediately our body releases adrenaline, noradrenaline, cortisol which enhances your anger furthermore. 

Obviously these secretions contract your muscles and nerves ,blood vessels and increases your blood pressure instantly which evokes animal nature within you. Same goes with jealousy,hatred, ego,fraud and for all negative feelings. One needs to understand it's our thoughts which ultimately transform into feelings. So, beware of negative thoughts . 

Also whatever religion or scriptures or wisdom of older people labelled the positive things as "good things" we do for others. Many people preach like be good and do good ,giving us an impression that being good is for the sake of other people. It's like sacrificing our efforts for other people. 

This kind of impression made people more selfish and enhanced all negative qualities within them. But being good is sacrificial behaviour or some service to others ? Absolutely  No! If you do good or behave properly with others ,the first person going to be benefited is just YOU by getting peace and ultimately health. 

Later it may benefit others. Similarly if you do bad,the first person to face trouble is just YOU . The chemical secretions in your body decides what you get. That is why it is recommended to be in higher level conscious thoughts. Now let's jump into the role of food with respect to emotions.
Have you ever seen  people  complaining that they are trying their best to control  negative emotions, but they cannot. Despite their strong determination they cannot control their thoughts/emotions. Because as I explained above , secretions produced by brain will enhances our emotions be it good or bad. 

The food you eat daily is going to either enhance or restrict those secretions. The food you intake contributes it's physical part to secretions. For example if you take spicy ,salty ,oily,non veg foods the brain takes physical matter from your food and uses it in secretions. 

When you get anger automatically your brain releases secretions ,but in your case it increases the amount of secretions. This strengthens your anger to large scale such that your determination to control negative emotions gets wiped off. 

Your determination gets weaken infront of your anger, as your anger is getting supplies from your food and It's not fortunate. Once your anger goes beyond control it effects maximum body parts. That is what happens with medical drugs people take for mental illness. 

What drugs do is either directly or indirectly generates positive secretions in brain and hence you feel less suffering. But ofcourse drugs comes with lot of negative impacts. It's your choice whether you want your brain to produce positive secretions naturally or you take help of outside drugs . 

So if you see any person who cannot control their emotions then their food might be the main culprit. This awareness is not only for the people who cannot control their emotions but it is also for normal people. As the normal people may experience problem health wise.

Addressing this concept,the Vedas divided food into three categories i.e., Satva(positive pranic food), Rajas( zero pranic food) and Tamas(negative pranic food).Here "prana" means life force. 

Generally intake of any food generates Satva guna(Higher level vibrating thoughts),Rajo guna(medium level vibrating thoughts),Thamo guna (lower level vibrating thoughts) respectively. So it is everybody's responsibility to be conscious about the food they eat. 

Needless to mention Saatvic(satva) food gives you positive energy,Rajas food gives you neutral energy and Tamas food gives you negative energy. Positive energy amplifies your health where as negative energy brings all kinds of diseases. Neutral foods brings lethargy. 

Basically majority of plant based food, vegetables comes under Saatvic food. As your body also  a peace of earth ,it can easily embed this type of food into its system. You can easily control your emotions. 

Here your determination to control feelings dominates your negative chemical secretions,as they are less in quantity. You will also feel your body getting more flexible. One of my dad's colleague used to suffer with frequent bowel moments. 

My dad asked his food habits and suggested to take less spicy and oil foods. He went speechless by the positive results. His frequent bowel moments came down completely.He began to see the change instantly. 

A small conscious change made his life a lot better. Taking good food helps you in many ways. Where as more than moderate usage of salt,spice and oil in plant based food comes under Rajas food . You may lose some control over your feelings. 

Next comes the third degree food Tamas food. It includes heavy usage of salty, spicy,oily foods, fast foods, Non vegetarian foods,packed outside foods. If  you take these foods you completely loses your ability to control your feelings. 

You must quit them. Some may think ,hey i take all these foods but I can control my emotions. It means that food  may be damaging your inner organs very silently by increasing cholesterol or by any means. 

That is how people figure out about their severe health problems later. Once they identify they settle in shock. Eating meat or eggs for vitamins to body is outdated theory. Its more about our health than compassion. 

Even doctors today advise you to take plant based foods. They are advising to take leafy and normal vegetables , sprouts,dry fruits,millets etc. So it's high time to take conscious stand on your food. 

Take right food and stay healthy rather than consuming third grade food and getting some unexpected issues coming at you in future. This is like user manual for human body. Suppose if you don't have a user manual for a car and you use some random less quality fuel, then your car still runs but the life of the car and its parts comes down right ?. 

The same goes with human body. You read user manual and take extreme care for your car ,but why don't you take care of your own body which requires ultimate attention among all other things. 

So first priority is to take care of your food then you can go for meditation,yogasanas for further perfection . If you take any masters/enlightened beings/gurus /yogis,they all commonly avoid any neutral or negative pranic foods i.e., Meat,eggs, excessive usage of salt,spice,oily foods. 

So be more conscious about your food you take. This information is sufficient to attain basic level .To get more detailed information on Positive,zero and negative pranic foods you can buy some genuine ayurvedic books online . Also to get deeper insight about how they work inside human bodies.

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