How people lived without money system : Rigid money system vs Goods exchange system

How people lived without money system : Rigid money system vs Goods exchange system 

The present generation on earth following the unique system to lead their lives . That is a rigid money system .Be it dollar, rupay , yuan, dinar, yen, leu, euro, ruble etc. Names may be different, but it's all about a virtual value given to a paper or metal coins. 

Every nation established their own currency system. Currency names are not identical but the usage is identical. Right from hefty objects to minute and minuscule things are valued through money system. Everything is somehow related to money . 

That's how people are being able to access them. Relatively Government organisations, employment opportunities, business sectors, conventional organisations, Hospitals, logistics and so many sectors popped up based on respective currency systems. 

We often see local governments try their best to stabilize their currency system by altering/controlling GDP, inflation, Banking interest rates and so on. For many people in this world irrespective of countries everyday is a different do or die situation when it comes to the financial matters. 

As the basic survival is also linked to currency. So let us understand how our previous generations way back used to lead their lives . What kind of systems they followed. At first, Let me clear about challenges we are facing with present rigid money system then we can clearly understand the previous administrative systems.

Human society linked their survival process to money system technically. That itself is a major blunder and responsible for all chaos in the world. Never ever one can provide hassle free survival solutions with this rigid money system "

Rigid Money System
Every country today is following rigid money system. The adjective rigid is added because everything regarding humans including survival is linked to money system. 

If you take any country in the world, the richest population contributes just about 10% of total population. When it comes to whole world the situation becomes more worser with richest population can't even count up to 5% of total population. 

Yet they hold upto 60-70% of total wealth!. You can see huge wealth accumulation with limited People. For example in India for the year 2012 the food produced is sufficient for 17 billion people. 

Where as whole population is about 6.6 billion people and guess what , more than half the population are malnourished and hardly able to eat sufficient food. This happened only because of accumulation of wealth. 

People tends to accumulate wealth for their future generations . They are accumulating wealth sufficient for 10-15 generations that comes in future. Because survival has become tough. We messed ourselves with rigid money system where if you can't accumulate wealth you will die. 

That's an unfortunate reality. This may seem irrelevant to people who are leading their lives with proper financial base. But one need to remember life has ability to turn king into a beggar and vice versa. 

We have seen many business tycoons bitten dust and situation turning upside-down. There is no guarantee for anybody especially for survival. There are numerous suicides , murders and many more incidents we can see just based on financial matters. 

Let's take a person in middle class. He diagnosed with a major disease. Yet he can't afford the money for treatment, then the only option left is that person must die with disease?.

How inefficient and rigid system we are living in. Why this is happening , because every part of life including survival is linked to money system. If a person earning in a family suddenly passes away then his whole family must go enormous suffering to maintain financial base?. 

This is because, Human society linked their survival to money system technically. Which indirectly implies that first priority is given to earn money and then survival becomes possible. 

That itself is a major blunder and responsible for all chaos in the world. Never ever one can provide hassle free survival solutions with this rigid money system. 

Why there is no guarantee for basic survival part. It's better not to mention the situation of people who are living around poverty levels. 

Even if people are willing to work there is no work in many countries which is called as unemployment rate. You can see governments of different countries follow different principles. Be it communist, authoritative regimes or any government model. 

Every model has common sufferings that too for larger percentage of population. Everyone can see how sensitive our economic systems are if we study Venezuela crisis. People went berserk when it happened. 

The situation gets more worsen when things like venezuela crisis happens to any country's economy. You take any model government, you see the sufferings are common. 

People tend to give quotations like "life is not bed of roses" giving an impression that suffering is inevitable. Opting an inefficient system and trying to be optimistic denotes foolishness. If someone created this administrative system long ago with their knowledge then even the present generation following it blindly makes no sense. 

This generation people are going through huge stress levels coming from society someway or other, That is why it's hard to find genuine People nowadays. Because everyone has insecurities about their survival . 

There is no guarantee of life. Many genuine spiritual gurus and leaders tried and still trying their best to  improve humanity. But the chances of success is still 50-50. 

Because survival comes first priority then  humanity values to any human being. If survival is taken care automatically improvement is inevitable. Then how does our ancestors managed their lives. Take a look.
Goods exchange system
There was no rigid money system in our great grand previous generations. The society used to be simple. For example if we take a village, every individual in that particular village used to contribute their work to their village. 

For instance if someone is planning for a marriage , they used to contact the local carpenter for the wood work . The carpenter perform his duty and deliver the product as per the requirements. Here there is no involvement of money. 

Neither carpenter will demand the money nor the customer gives him money. Carpenter do it for free and he will do as service to society. Everyone used to treat work as worship. 

The whole village is considered as one unit/family. This procedure is followed by all sectors of people live in that village . Every sector including goldsmith ,farmers, product organisers, doctors, engineers etc. 

In that way every product is distributed to all the people depending on their needs for free in a society. This indirectly creates no virtual value for goods. No value means No longings. So accumulation of wealth was out of necessity. 

Money mediation was invalid factor. The whole agricultural land in that particular village used to be in the name of the famous local temple. So every year when farmers produce crops, the entire food used to be taken to temple. 

There the crop is distributed among all the villagers . Again here there is no money involved , neither farmer demands money nor temple gives them money. That is why farmer's had another name "Annadhatha"(Food donors). 

As there is no virtual value created to products , naturally there is no misuse or greed for those materials. Like this every occupation and every individual used to work for the society selflessly and get the required things from society without involvement of currency. 

Survival was not at all an issue . People did not perform their duties for their personal needs but they did their duties as voluntary contribution to society. In return society satisfied all their needs. Hence the saying "Duty is god". 

They considered their duties as god and performed with devotion. To make this system run smoothly there is police systems, judicial systems whose duty is to ensure harmonious living by making every individual to be a part of society. 

If everyone works for the society voluntarily and gets whatever they wanted in return from society then what is need of currency. This system is called as "Goods exchange system". 

This system was followed for many centuries all over the world. Slowly due to some immature administrations and foreign impacts they got vanished in major parts of the world. 

The last countries that followed till late 20th century are present countries including India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan , Pakistan, Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia,Nepal, Vietnam , Cambodia etc. If you keenly observe, people then did not give any value to material objects which are crucial for survival. 

When there is no unnecessary illusionary value for a product why people becomes evil. That is why there was no greed for property. Rather they gave huge value to humanity values and righteousness. 

Even if some crime happens the punishments were instant and severe. Judgement process is also not tough as people used to stick to righteousness and truth. 

As individual survival is taken care by society there is no insecurities about personal lives. When survival is taken care and there is no virtual values for material things then obviously positive feelings like compassion, love, authenticity, helping nature, selflessness etc prevails naturally. 

But where as today if a person doesn't have money ,then he will die!Be it a child,a widow,an old man,physically disabled or anybody . That's the rigidity of the system we are living in. 

Everyone including people below poverty level and middle class ones having  insecurities about their own lives and yet they contribute 80-90% of total population. Then how can they give their best to be ethical and do good to their fellow beings . 

You take any problem in this modern world that will somehow get redirected to this rigid system problems. That is why our ancestors wisely took care of survival problem. They never made survival a tougher one. 

Even if someone who can't afford food they used to get help from society because food is abundant and it has no virtual value. The same happened with health,emotional support, whatever which is crucial for human survival. 

That is why people often refer to that period as "Swarna yuga (golden age) or Rama Rajyam (Model government of lord ram)". That is why in eastern countries like India older people often says that the world has changed alot in negative terms. 

They no longer see the tolerate broad minded people they saw in their generations. Actually People didn't change but the system did. There are many historical evidences where people used to buy gold, diamonds on streets just like we buy groceries and vegetables. 

That defines the living standards. Do you think a thief runs after gold when it is cheaply available to all people. Do you think any person commit fraud/cheat when  costliest items like gold itself were being sold on streets. 

When the value of gold itself is cheap, where is the necessity to commit crimes. Government used to publish coins . These were meant for various reasons. For preserving their historical identity , to buy weaponries from foreign countries . People used to carry those coins when they travel to foreign countries. 

Even local taxes are collected in form of goods that are being produced by individuals. As there is no value to survival goods like food , in many occasions they used to perform "Annadhanam"(Free food distribution programs occasionally). 

Till today you can see in many temples in India performing annadhanam. As there was no money system relatively there was no worry for survival, unemployment, inflation rates, economy collapse, hunger deaths, poverty etc. 

This goods exchange system got destroyed gradually when british colonization came into the scene. They completely destroyed the system by various divide and rule policies. 

Till late 50's  the system was followed in some parts and completely disappeared. People today are feeling great about cultural heritages like yoga , ayurveda etc which were considered as some secondary priorities in previous generations. 

They don't even know about the glorious life system their ancestors lived once where living life itself was a primary  priority. They have forgotten their precious administrative systems, following foreign administrations blindly and feeling great about their secondary level ancestral heritages like yoga , astrology etc. 

If you go and ask people who can't afford food to practice meditation or yoga, will they do?. Is it appropriate to ask them. No,it's obscene! first human needs survival support then later he can think about other privileges. 

It's very crucial that the local government or people with full of resources, so called Sanathana Peetam heads come forward , do some research and dig deep into the history. 

For the people who think it as impractical they should not forget about wealth accumulations with 4-5% of people and problems facing by 90% of people. We can modify the system according to present day requirements and possibilities. 

Uniform food supplies and essential life commodities to all people is possible only by this system. This is called as collective collaboration of a society. It can turn out as a model for whole world and benefits humanity on large scale. So that present situation improves and future generations can live peacefully without survival concerns.

Want to convey something ? Express your views by commenting below 


Unknown said…
I really liked the article just want to know what about the caste system how it came in existence if people where living this peacefully and following humanity
Heftys here said…
Just remember one simple thing humans can follow humanity and live peacefully only when their personal survival is at ease and secure also when there is no tension about their future. Survival includes all essential things right from food, shelter, medicines,organising personal events like marriages,emotional support etc. That's what I mentioned here. The answer to your caste issue is simple,our ancestors didn't use caste system to quarrel with each other as we are doing now,rather they used it as system to unite society. You may see battles between kings not battle between castes. Caste system is division of work. They used it as a tool to simplify living process.

One fine example is "caste communities". Earlier one village used to have only one community. Community itself signifies Everyone into "ONE" unit. Only one community where every caste is included. Automatically a sense of unity arises. They used to exchange their goods with each other for free and lived happily. It's like mutual benefit and mutual cooperation. Here system is simple just do your work and get your food that's it. You know today even if someone works hard how much manipulation he should face to get his food. Where as today every caste has its own communities. Then how can you expect unity. Community means group of all castes and where as we divided by creating many caste communities.

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