Can astrology predict destiny: Queries,Authenticity and logical interpretations of astrology

Can astrology predict destiny: Queries,Authenticity and logical interpretations of astrology

Many people cannot come to a conclusion about authenticity of sciences like astrology. I will try to address some questions that generally bothers people and also give you a brief glimpse into details of astrology. 

This article is just to help people to get a better understanding. For those who are not aware of astrology, Astrology works on "Karma" principle. Depending on a person's birth details including date, time and birth detailed overview of their life can be known by the placements of Planets in our solar system and 27 Stars. 

So whatever be the living being that takes birth on earth gets bounded and impacted by the planetary energies and those effects differs from person to person.

The main aim of the astrology is to warn and protect human beings from unexpected tragic events and make them to attain mastery over planetary tendencies to experience a new destiny. So fundamental rule is to follow dharmas,ethics, genuine planetary remedies and lastly have faith in god to override planetary tendencies and write your own destiny "

The most common query which arises regarding astrology is "Does our destiny already decided?". If so what's the use, us being trying to improve our life. This is where many people gets confused of how to receive astrology insights. 

Depending upon our past lives karmic records, planets generate various tendencies in a person. So planets just act like a database where it stores our past lives actions and it reflects the respective fruits in this present life. 

What most people don't know is  90% of the time these tendencies/results of planets can be overcome by our will power and some amount of work from us. For example a teen always argue with his father. This argumental behaviour is called tendency. So one needs to understand this kind of tendencies can be overcome by our will power and some workout. 

So it's always upto us to decide whether to encourage that tendency or to overcome that tendency by willpower. Here will power means your commitment to overcome that tendency and also the steps you take to strengthen your will power. For example in this case doing meditation , intake of proper food (avoiding non veg , excess spicy,oily foods etc) can help . 

If that teen implements these things then his/her will power gets more  mighty than planetary tendencies. In that case a new destiny will get manifested. Where as in another scenario if he continues to go with tendencies then there will be no change in his destiny. For example if he has a destiny that his father may suffer from chronic diseases at an early age ,the chances will be very high. Because prolonged verbal wars are never healthy and it may cause problems like high blood pressure etc. Which may help that destiny to come true . 

If food earning father suffers from chronic disease again the sole victim will be that teen. Needless to mention in former case as he manages to overcome tendencies the destiny of father suffering from chronic disease may be changed .So in majority of scenarios it's always us who must decide which side to take on. 

If you take example of rahu and mars conjunction, conjuction of mars and rahu is said to be fiery. That person if gets anger he may go to extremes to prove his point. He may also attack the other person in the process. Houses also plays prominent role. If that conjuction happens in 6th house then he may suffer high blood pressure due to his aggression, because 6th house represents disease. 

So its important for everybody , not to lead life like a robot. You need to turn inward observe the negative tendencies and analyse life consistently. You always doesn't need astrology for that. It's common sense. If you can contribute some time  and observe yourself you can get to know which tendencies you must fix. Tendencies may arise due to planets but it's always respective individual's choice either to go with them or against them. By which his destiny gets manifested. 

It's always us in between to choose between two different outcomes. That is why it's said that you are creator of your destiny. In india ,vedic principles prescribed unique set of rules for every individual which are called as "Dharmas(Righteousness)". Giving respect to elders is one major rule.  A father has a set of dharmas to be followed ,mother has different dharmas, brother's , sisters , relatives , societies everyone  is linked with unique set of rules to be followed. 

Even if they don't know astrology and blindly followes the prescribed dharmas then they will get escaped from planetary tendencies and bad karmic results. As if that teen follow the rule of respecting elders then automatically his family get saved. People are not aware that those dharmas are prescribed for the sake of their own benefit rather than moral thing that benefits others.

Then what's in store of rest 10% results, well even will power cannot change destiny when it comes to sudden events like Accidents, premature deaths, heavy financial losses, suicide tendencies,   chronic illness, unexpected incidents etc. Even if you have strong will power you cannot stop a car that's about to hit you. So this is where you need to take astrology help. 

In india you can see some expert vedic astrologers ask people to take remedies or not to step out of their homes on a particular date and time. Because depending upon person's planetary positions and ongoing transits they can identify the chances of unexpected tragic events. People can escape such incidents and in that case they can leverage the help of astrology. 

However for some people their past karma wll be very intense such that even astrology cannot help. Either astrologer will forget to convey the danger or he may not be able to see the result accurately . By any means that person cannot escape such incidents unless until some divine force is involved . 

So following dharmas and getting god's grace is fundamental rule to dominate planetary tendencies and manifest a new destiny. Some may express their disbelief in divine things , but do you seriously think that God doesn't exist and life is just random stuff?. Right from a car to a small pencil , whatever be the stuff we are using today is actually designed and developed by engineers. 

If a small pencil has manufactured with an intelligence by an engineer , Do you think that this vast universe with many beautiful and creative objects and unique functionalities including humans , operate randomly without any intelligence behind it ? How silly to think like that. Do you breathe or sleep on your own intentionally , NO! these things are happening by their own.  That intelligence and higher consciousness is what people call as "god". 

They may give various names and forms to it for easy and better understanding . So planets are neither good nor bad they just give results of our own past life deeds.  Most people debunk the concept of astrology as it may not worked for them for some other reasons. It's important to understand that astrology is different and astrologer is different. 

If you go to an ineffective astrologer gets dissatisfied then it's fault of that particular astrologer and not the whole astrology. Just like if a mechanic cannot repair a car effectively then it's fault of that mechanic not that science of repairing car. Unfortunately 2/3rd of the astrologers out there are not effective and some of them are even worse who just acts as an astrologer with zero knowledge. 

I also suggest you to not enter into  professional astrology by watching few youtube channels or by some internet source. Because you cannot depend on them completely. There will be many hidden meanings which we cannot understand. There is chance you can mess up others lives and also yours. If that happens you are again creating some bad karma. 

So be sure if you want to know about your horoscope go to genuine astrologer. Now let's jump into logical stream of planetary meanings!!
Logical explanation of planetary characteristics
According to vedic astrology every planet represent some unique characteristics. To understand better let us take Sun,Moon and Mercury as examples. Sun represents mainly Ego and Self esteem. Where as moon represents your emotions and mind. Mercury represents intelligence. There is a concept called combustion in astrology. Which means whatever the planet that comes very closer degrees to sun it loses its characteristics. If we interpret this into reality as sun represents your ego , moon emotions, Mercury intelligence. 

Wherever there is ego there will be no emotions and intelligence. Emotions and intelligence cannot go together with ego. How wonderful reality it is. If a person has high ego and whenever it comes into reality , he obviously loses his emotions and intelligence . Those things a person should work in this life. Most of us experience this on daily basis . 

That is symbolic planetary representation of reality. Also another example in astrology is they consider Moon and Mercury as enemies. Mercury doesn't like moon. When intelligence starts working , emotion takes back seat. It's pretty obvious.  So these planets are replica of our inner selves. Not only planets the whole universe resembles it's characteristics in some way or other. 

Also there is connection between menstrual cycle and moon. Time for moon to complete one cycle is around 25-28 days. In the same way women complete their cycle around the same period!. So we are not some random stuff happening here. Everything has patterns and replicas. Now let us compare western and vedic astrology
Vedic and western astrology
There is a big fundamental differences between western and vedic astrology. Western astrology considers Uranus, Neptune, Pluto where as vedic astrology stops near Saturn it doesn't consider the rest three planets. But vedic astrology adds " Rahu" and "Ketu" as two other planets. Rahu and Ketu are North and South nodes of moon which are responsible for the sun and moon eclipses. They are called as shadow planets. Their importance is also greatly considered. 

There is also a vedic story where it is mentioned that Rahu eats sun/moon representing a kind of Eclipse. Also western system depends on sun sign meaning your birth sign will be decided by the month you born. Every month represents one sign in 12 zodiac signs. Where as vedic astrology considers moon sign as your birth sign . 

Moon sign means the placement of moon during the time of birth in particular Nakshatra (star) links you to respective sign. Not only sign is given importance ,  but the Nakshatra will become become your birth star and it will tell your characteristics. These nakshatras changes everyday approximately. 

There are 27 total nakshatras that are divided into 12 zodiac signs. That means for every 2-3 days your birth sign will change. Many thousands of years ago vedic astrology mentioned that Jupiter and Saturn are big planets and they move slowly. Jupiter takes 1 year to cross a sign where as Saturn takes the highest with 2.5 years to cross a sign. Which actually coincides with modern discoveries with saturn being farthest planet. 

It's really a big mystery how do they know these things long back without the help of any modern equipments. So which system should we follow. Ultimately it's you to decide, because who knows your life reality better than you. Generally if your sun sign doesn't satisfy  go to vedic astrology and test yourself . Also astrology is collection of many rules it's requires certain kind of mastery to get command over it. Never see through only one aspect see it as whole,only then you can get accurate picture.
The main aim of the astrology is to warn and protect human beings from unexpected tragic events and make them to attain mastery over planetary tendencies to experience a new destiny. So fundamental rule is to follow dharmas,ethics, genuine planetary remedies and lastly have faith in god to override planetary tendencies and write your own destiny. 
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