Upcoming Articles

This is a short glimpse on list of topics visitors can expect from this blog in coming days, given there will be no major changes that can effect the list. The sequence may alter at the time of publishing.

Based upon different aspects like present day scenarios and inputs i receive, visitors can also expect some immediate articles that may appear on the blog which are not listed here. So this page is intended to put some light on future posts that are in the pipeline to occupy some space on this blog.

Posts in pipeline

  • How to deal with outer world, sequential dependencies of truth, righteousness,peace,love and non violence. The importance of being in touch with reality
  • Why siblings emotions are extremely intense towards each other. How they can become both wonderful well wishers or  highly venemous towards each other. How to turn that intensity into love rather than hatred. The common mistakes that happen in almost every family between siblings.
  • Impact of smart phones and gadgets on children and how to counter them
  • Posting about education system to enhance the children's capabilities
  • How to deal with past memories and venting their energies towards constructive ways rather than using them in destructive manner unconsciously.
  • General parent and children ego issues that surface in many families as children grow up, various facts that should be known by both parents and children's for maintaining healthy relationship.
  • Ramayana brief introduction. How epic Ramayana is happening in every human being. Decoding secrets of Ramayana that indicate humans micro aspects.
  • Introduction to Legendary epic Mahabharata. What does it indicates in practicality. How to synchronise it with today's world. 


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