Is reincarnation/rebirth real? : Logical ways of understanding reincarnation theory

Is reincarnation/rebirth real? : Logical ways of understanding reincarnation theory

There is always a dilemma that continues in the world when it comes to the mystical topics irrespective of evolution of science. Most of us might have heard about the rebirth concept. Which means every soul living on this earth inevitably gets another birth after their bodily death.

What are the basic explanations of rebirth concept. So when we analyse it in deeper sense we can understand few principles based on which the rebirth concept works. Because majority can quickly come to a conclusion on the things when explained in logical manner. 

It's not that every concept needs to proven logically 100%. Because when you have a confusion on certain things, the proper reasonable approach towards them is to neither believing or dis believing it blindly. Because once you comes to quick conclusion without any proper validation you are permanently closing possibility of knowing truth. 

There is no hurry to come to conclusion, as long as you are not satisfied you must be able to be in a state that I neither believe it nor I disbelieve it. I will be open to the information. That approach will helps us to keep the options open. That is the logical approach one should follow. 

 So by this we can derive that whatever be the negative emotions that exists are suitable for animal bodies but not for human bodies because of difference in structural design. Not attempting to undo those negative emotions will attract our soul to enter into compatible non human bodies post death! "

Let us try to analyse the rebirth concept in deeper sense. According to the concept, every soul inevitably gets another birth. So let us begin our analysis with the difference between human emotions and all other animal emotions. We all know that every life on this planet always strive towards its existence. 

Be it an ant, frog, elephant, plants, trees, humans every life that is happening on this planet always strive towards the survival either consciously or unconsciously. To support the same there are multiple functions that happens inside our bodies. 

For instance let us take animals. In the process animals generally exhibits/develops certain kind of emotions. Desire, Anger, hatred, jealousy, obsessive ness, reproduction etc are exhibited naturally. We often see this behaviours in animals. 

These behaviours help them to continue their existence. It means without those attributes the survival becomes tough for them. Having known this fact they often do it subconsciously without any complete awareness of their behaviour patterns. 

So coming to humans, if someone asks that what is the difference between the humans and other living beings on earth. Because there are lot of attributes that we have in common. Humans also exhibit anger, jealousy, hatred, desire, reproduction almost all of the attributes that other living beings exhibit. 

So when you look what it is that separating us from the animals and making us unique, the answer will come to us as dynamic levels of memory, intellect and consciousness. In the similar way our structural body and brain too has some dynamic features that can withstand to enormous memory and consciousness. 

So the physical body too differs alot in animals. That being said, vedas, all scriptures, saints, divine souls or yogis whoever the genuine spiritual souls who walked on this earth has said only one thing in common that a soul can get a human body only when the respective soul has already passed through many kinds of other beings. 


That is the reason why there is proverb that "Janthoonaam narajanma durlabam". Which means among all the living beings, it's the human body which is toughest to get for a soul. As we already know that the dynamism of human mechanism is in lot more advance states due to its design. What we experience as anger, hatred, desire, reproduction, memory etc are much more intensive than other beings. 

So because of their structural difference, animals cannot hold any negative emotions anger, hatred, jealousy towards fellow beings specifically for longer periods. That is the reason you see many carnivores usually doesn't harm their counter beings when they are not hungry. Because their memory is too short and they quickly forgets incidents that happen. 

Where as in humans their structural difference and dynamic memory doesn't let even a single emotion to fade off that easily. Especially when it's negative emotions like anger, hatred, excessive desires, jealousy, ego, addiction etc. Everyone of us are well educated that whenever the negative emotions resides in human being for longer periods it eventually destroys the system by leading into fatal disorders. 

So in some way we can derive that the whatever be the negative emotions that exists is suitable for animal bodies but not for human bodies because of difference in structural design. Why do those emotions, particularly negative emotions frequently pops up in our brains than the positive ones. Here is the crucial point that will explain why it happens. 

Suppose if you started to habituate reading newspaper daily morning. You automatically gets habituated to reading newspaper after some duration of time. So one fine day if you don't get the newspaper you cannot digest that easily. You cannot get over the habit of reading a news paper that easily. 

In the similar way as our soul has passed through many kinds of living beings for over many years. Our soul has addicted towards all those negative emotions we experienced in different beings. So when we get human body, by using the dynamic memory and consciousness we must always try to undo those habits of expressing negative emotions. 

We must come out of the illusion, see the reality and start working towards elimination of unnecessary and unhealthy outdated emotions we have habituated in our past lives. As it is mandatory and suitable to animals for the sake of survival. But as humans we do not need such negative emotions to survive anymore. 

As you never see anywhere that it's impossible to survive without those negative emotions. It may not be negative for animal bodies but it is negative for human bodies. Because human body structure is not compatible for all those negative emotions. 

That is the reason why people gets prone to unnecessary diseases. So we have structural possibility, dynamic intellect and consciousness in our hands. By using these tools, every human should be able to amplify their humanity values as much as they can. 

Because remember human life is just like a challenge to us. What is the challenge now, it is to eliminate the non compatible emotions by using the faculties we have. So if we don't try to win this challenge, after one's lifetime our soul still possess those negative tendencies and emotions. 

It means that our soul is not fit to get human body again as it wasted the opportunity when it got the human body as a platform. 

It's just like behaving like an ineffective employee, obviously when performance evaluation intervals occur company will show the exit card to the employee as that employee is unfit for the job . 

So our soul automatically gets dragged towards the suitable compatible physical bodies that can sustain our existing negative emotions. 

Because those emotions are compatible with other beings but not with humans. As nature always try to fulfill our wishes either they are positive or negative by giving the appropriate chances. It is us to decide whether to choose positive or negative.

It's open secret that animals and other beings go through enormous amounts of sufferings on daily basis especially in these modern era. The kind of violence happens to them is beyond our imagination. Most of us cannot sleep peacefully when we directly see the disturbing incidents they are going through. Humans themselves are suffering alot and it's better to not touch animal sufferings.

We generally don't sense the impact of things or emotions we are surrounded by. But they will surely makes their impact on us, it will get surfaced whenever the appropriate situation triggers. For instance, We often see the people who gets depressed whenever their near ones pass away. They cannot come out of it quickly. So in that context we need to be aware of certain things that will help us to get better, as it is a process of after death.

The first thing we need to remember is you, me and everyone here needs to go one day. We are not some immortals to avoid the death of some other person. We are pretty much same mortals. It's beyond our control to avoid someone's death. So regretting about deaths of other person, which we don't have control over is not proper way to think. 

The second is we must always remember it's the soul energy that makes our body function. It means the very physical body which we are able to see is non functional without that soul. So death is nothing but the soul is leaving the respective physical body. As the power gone you no longer see any functionality in physical body. That is what we are considering as death. 

But we also need to remember that energies cannot be destroyed. In the same way the soul energy / that personality never loses its existence permanently. It just takes some other form. So whoever the people who cannot deal with the death of closed ones must always think that they did not go anywhere, their personality still exists somewhere but it's just that we are not able to access them. Because energies cannot be destroyed.

What we all can do is to cherish the beautiful memories and moments they shared with us. So the first point, everyone is mortal and the second believing they still exist somewhere else are the key points that will provide some assistance to us in accepting the incident and move on. I can also confidently say that what we get as knowledge and the reality we going to implement differs a lot. 

As we cannot under estimate the reality with knowledge. But at the same time people can get that mastery through practice. Always trying to remember those key points and implementing them will gives peace. It means when people go through such incidents slowly they will develop that strength and maturity. As I have seen people finding it hard to deal with such incidents.

So coming back to the topic we must start practicing positive emotions and developing humanity attributes in us. Truth, righteousness, peace, compassion, Love, nonviolence etc all these positive attributes have common outcome that is joy/bliss. People also confuses alot in implementing positivity. They only think that helping others just mean either doing that directly or through monetary ones. 

But, We can do that in many ways. Having gratitude towards nature, able to feel happy for your colleagues success, able to tolerate and encourage the betterment of others, giving some strength through words or deeds to weak people, whatever you can do for the other people within your limits etc comes into sending positive energies to society. 

All these things helps us first and then they contribute to others. So it need not to be only direct/monetary wise help always. We can do that in many ways. The second area where people confuses is able to decide the boundaries. In the process of spreading positivity they often do mistakes. 

For example if a person got a new colleague in their office. She welcomed her very positively and she tried to make connection in so productive manner. But somehow the other person is not able to reciprocate the same towards her . But she ignores it and keeps on continuing her behaviour thinking it as being positive by taking her work and working for extra hours etc. 

Actually it's not positivity it's foolish ness. Because very soon she will get exhausted and she end up experiencing negative emotions. As following humanity values doesn't mean to stretch yourself beyond your physical and mental limits. By doing so we are giving the wrong signals to everyone that you can be easily exploitated. 

The moment she sense that other person is not reciprocating the same she should stop doing that right away. At the same time she should not develop any negative emotions towards her. Just ignoring her would be a good choice. Because as a part of fellow colleague she did her part very well but when the other person is not reciprocating then she should use her common sense and mould her behaviour accordingly. 

This is the fine line between the being positive and being foolish. She doesn't need to be a doormat for everyone. The same goes with desire, anger too. By using our common sense we need to know when to apply them and when to not for the betterment of ourselves and the people around us. 

When positivity combined with the common sense, it yields some productive practical approach. We must consistently be in touch with reality, analyse the different scenarios we go through and should be able to mould ourselves accordingly without harming others. 

Negative emotions and negative thoughts always gives sufferings as outcomes. Because whatever be the anger, jealousy, resentment, intolerance we exhibit on others, it essentially works against us at first place. 

So even when we see through the structural differences between humans and other beings we can easily come to a conclusion that reincarnation exists and what we all to do is to elevate our consciousness to higher levels by improving the humanity values in us. 

Utilising this human platform effectively will help us to reach permanent blissful states and stops us getting back to lower conscious bodies. That's the common purpose for each and every human being who are living on this planet. 

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