Democracy in disguise : Shocking ground realities

Democracy in disguise : Shocking ground realities

Democracy is followed in many nations around the world. The general meaning of democracy is,  a government defined by the statement "of the people,for the people, by the People".

A government which works for the people, elected by the people and belongs to the people. So far it's clear. But what exactly it needs to achieve ideal democracy in a nation.

If we just go by definition then why almost all nations except countries with less area and population comes under flawed democracies and some even falls under dictatorship regimes even if the government elected by people. What exactly goes in a country when it is a democratic nation.

Casting vote for genuine candidates is more important than just casting votes."

Keeping definitions aside for sometime,We need to understand that , democracy needs to  function beyond the definition to become ideal. 

Despite getting freedom and gets established as democratic nations long ago , even the so called largest and oldest democratic nations failed to reach ideal democratic status. 

It's been 70-100 years still there is no ideal democratic practices where as democracy standards are getting worse day by day. 

It's not exaggerating to say that we cannot point out even single election without liquor distribution, money power, media influence  and many more factors since installation of democracy in  largest and oldest democracies and even other nations .

In other words there is no fair election for 70-100 years. So what we say democracy is just virtual thing which is not available in ground reality till now . Just setting up TV shows and debating on ideal democracy and giving out fancy slogans to improve democracy are futile and not going to work.

Even people are taking the situation as granted and not bothering. In some prestigious democratic countries even the judicial systems , security police systems are worst that the culprits (Accused of higher crimes including rape, murder,mafia etc)gets punished after 6-18 years that too with minimal penalties which is a  shocking reality. Needless to say crime rates get skyrocketed due to lack of fear.

"Until and unless there is a special official system that strives to enrich people with humanitarian values and paralelly monitor the quality of democracy time to time in a country , democracy remains to be a virtual thing."

Democracy is not only about the government which is to be elected by people. Every one talks about importance of casting vote . But nobody cares  about  campaigning  to whom people should vote. 

What if the elections are fair yet the contestants track record is worst. Even if people come out and cast their votes at any cost , what is the use. Those contestants definitely won't work for people instead they strive for their personal development. 

In many democratic countries majority of candidates who contest in elections have worst criminal records, rowdy sheeters filed on them. It's a million dollar question why such criminal background people are allowed to contest in elections. What good work we can expect from them if they get elected. 

So one needs to understand just casting votes doesn't change the situation instead people should be in a position to identify the good contestants and should support them for time being. 

Also there should be strict rules for the candidates to campaign. In that case the democracy becomes better . Here comes the question how to make  people aware. It is possible only when ethics and morals are taught to them and make it part of people. 

Constant and continuous ethical ,humanity values and moral guidance   to people can only change the situation . Every person atleast majority of population must be in position to decide what is correct and what is wrong. 

As majority decision matters in democracy. Otherwise even genuine democracy is useless. Every child should be taught in schools and their homes about Humanitarian values and it's importance .

There should be special independent community/system on administrative level which should take care of spreading values to people in generation to generation. This is the change that should come from people side.

Next comes analysis of administration/government side. People enriched with values casting their votes makes 50% success. Remaining 50% comes under administration side. 

After candidates being elected , there should be special system which should govern the qualitative democracy on administrative level. This system should take care proper functioning of government, legal sections, security sections, financial sections etc. 

Its an open fact that in many democratic countries , the mafia and anti national elements got penetrated deep into the society such that they occupied every sector including judicial, political and police sectors . 

How can they get punished if the whole country is in their hands , which is a major security glitch. So setting up  special official authorities to take care of guiding people also to govern the ongoing government  can only provide assurance for better tomorrow.

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