Mystic Spirituality - 4
Mystic Spirituality - 4
A normal healthy human generates hundreds and thousands of thoughts,feelings and emotions in a single day.As we got habituated to this life , this process seems to be pretty common but if we take an outer look seriously its a very subtle system which appears to be simple from the surface.
Every time when i received spiritual preachings through books or people ,the moral of the story is to DO GOOD and AVOID BAD.
I used to be like why always they ask us to be good ,to have some mercy on fellow beings ,to avoid negative feelings like jealousy ,hatred towards others.Most of the people disagree to these types of teachings terming them as manipulations by religious people.
But If you observe the moment we generate a negative thought or emotion like jealousy ,hatred or ego ,it is first our body which gets reacted.
In no time you experience some kind of uneasiness with in your body.The intensity of this impact depends on how long you carry this thought or emotion.The consequences may even emerge in the form of physical and mental sickness .If it gets severe then the output will come out as physical damage in the form of diseases.
Forget about the bad that happens to your enemy but you are the first person going to get that result .You can witness many people around you who suffer most of their day because of this negative emotions.A bad thought transforms into bad action which always yields a bad result .
One good humor to notice is Its not spiritual people who are selfless but its people who carry these negative emotions are,Thinking themselves as selfish but forgetting the real victim.Spirituality always taught us to be selfish in disguise of selflessness.It always ask you to think about yourself and avoid the unnecessary crap around you.
Fundamental rule is that a bad thought ultimately lands in a bad situation .We can easily observe people around us, few of them will be happy every time.They don't need to make an attempt to be happy but by default their nature will be happy that is because of avoiding such negative thoughts and emotions and who doesn't love such a happy person!
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Every time when i received spiritual preachings through books or people ,the moral of the story is to DO GOOD and AVOID BAD.
I used to be like why always they ask us to be good ,to have some mercy on fellow beings ,to avoid negative feelings like jealousy ,hatred towards others.Most of the people disagree to these types of teachings terming them as manipulations by religious people.
But If you observe the moment we generate a negative thought or emotion like jealousy ,hatred or ego ,it is first our body which gets reacted.
In no time you experience some kind of uneasiness with in your body.The intensity of this impact depends on how long you carry this thought or emotion.The consequences may even emerge in the form of physical and mental sickness .If it gets severe then the output will come out as physical damage in the form of diseases.
Forget about the bad that happens to your enemy but you are the first person going to get that result .You can witness many people around you who suffer most of their day because of this negative emotions.A bad thought transforms into bad action which always yields a bad result .
One good humor to notice is Its not spiritual people who are selfless but its people who carry these negative emotions are,Thinking themselves as selfish but forgetting the real victim.Spirituality always taught us to be selfish in disguise of selflessness.It always ask you to think about yourself and avoid the unnecessary crap around you.
Fundamental rule is that a bad thought ultimately lands in a bad situation .We can easily observe people around us, few of them will be happy every time.They don't need to make an attempt to be happy but by default their nature will be happy that is because of avoiding such negative thoughts and emotions and who doesn't love such a happy person!
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