5 Greatest Songs Turned Out As Chartbusters

5 Greatest Songs Turned Out As Chartbusters

The only thing which can lift up our mood instantly is a Good Music.We feel extremely happy from inside, the moment when we find out an amazing song.So let's find out what made our list this time

1) Numb
Released in 2003 from the band Linkin Park (LP) who are familiar for their extremely enriched lyrical assets.This song casts Briana Evigan Who plays the role of a girl ,whose ambition is to become a good artist but the society doesn't support her passion. Visuals and tune of the video song is well handled. Although this song focused on problem of a girl in the society but got an generalized appeal among the audience . Ranked first in famous track charts for the period of 6-12 weeks this song has striked chord with audience.


2) Chop Suey - System Of Down
Chop Suey - System Of Down is known for its mesmerizing Heavy Metal Beats . Being criticized for its controversial title and lyrics,This song released in 2001. Orginal title of the song is "Suicide" which later changed as it was too controversial.This song depicts about stereotypical society who are always ready to blame if anything goes wrong.The acting skills of the crew in the song is characterized in unique way you've never experienced before.The harmony in lyrics, BGM and visualization are perfectly synced making it as a visual treat.


3) Hymn For The Weekend
Featuring American singer Beyonce ,this song released in 2016 from the British rock band "Cold Play".This song present an idea about having an angelic source who always comes to rescue when a person is in need.As the world is full with numerous problems the very thought of having such positive source makes the song beautiful even though it's far from reality.This song topped the music track charts of multiple countries for long time and stood as one of the best song for Cold Play in terms of Viewership


4) In The End
Another Gem from the band Linkin Park.Released in 2001 this song has gained popularity for its catchy lyrics.There are multiple explanations for the meaning of the song in the web , as it appeals to different conditions.This song received big round of applause from the critics for its BGM and lyrical assets.This song enjoyed top position in numerous music charts and regarded as one of the best Rock song.As mentioned earlier the explanations of the song include, a guy feels guilty as he wasted time for a girl and another explanation goes like the hurdles in everybody's life and the how discouraging the situations will be.Have a look if you missed it!


5) Don't Let Me Down
American Rock Band Chain Smokers released this song in the year 2016 .This song features the singer Daya as a girl who ask someone to stay with her when she is in trouble.Needless to say this song stood among one of the best song in Chain Smokers band on viewership basis.This song describes about a girl who is feeling sad , confused, abandoned and frustrated because of her life mate absence in crucial time.There is also another explanation such that she is requesting god to answer her wish and not to let her down when she is in need.Received by the audience across multiple countries , maintained good standings in various track charts.


The beauty in the song elevates when we listen the song along with the Lyrics,So I prefer to turn on the song along with lyrics :) ....Have Fun!!


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