A Developed Country

A Developed Country

Developed country is the term which can be seen frequently in poltical and social scenarios when we learn about a country. So what exactly is the basis to decide whether a country is developed or not. Let's have a look .

Basically when the term development pops in our mind  , we tend to think about  technological advancement , GDP , corporate buildings,Metro cities etc.  Does it mean real "Development" ,will it be sufficient if we manage to establish technology on large scale in a country. Obviously Not .

Basically for humans There are many essential requirements to live a life. The most fundamental and crucial among them are food,shelter, clothes , Health .These factors comes under survival section. It means if a human find those basic requirements difficult ,then his survival becomes a question. 

So its every government or whatever organisation a country has it's their primary responsibility to make sure all the people in their countries must in a position to afford basic requirements needs .

All the next level requirements comes under Comfort and convenience section. Which means a human can live without those presence but they will  enhance the comfort  of life  . 

But unfortunately in most countries ,leaders are concentrating more on Comfort,convenience  development that too in particular area ,where as most of the country's area continues to suffer due to lack of survival sources ,which is unfortunate

It literally means  one small part of country busy running after comforts and convineience where as the same fellow citizens on the major part of the country cannot even afford Survival requirements.Which is a kind of development centralisation rather than decentralizing the development.

If a country  manages to provide Survival  requirements  to all of its citizens ,then it is a real Developed country. If a country manages to maintain consistency in Providing survival requirements then they can easily advance in Comfort and convenience sectors but not the other way around. Which automatically increases GDP and all other factors .

Hence survival requirements of every individual must be the crucial and basic  indicator for the development of a country rather than considering Corporate buildings , Hi fi shopping malls,GDP  and metro cities and other infrastructure etc .

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