How to get sound sleep: 2 basic mistakes people commit


How to get sound sleep: 2 basic mistakes people commit

Sleep issues are one of the potential challenges many individuals face all the time. The refreshment we get after going through a good quality sleep is irreplaceable by anything. 

Suffering from sleep issues do impact an individual on physical, mental and intellectual levels. Both the major cause and major symptom which we can observe in almost all mental illnesses is sleep issues. 

That is because sleep is the only source, where a human can rejunevate their mental and physical energy systems that are utilised in their day time. 

So when we are having trouble in getting sleep, we cannot reload our lost energies and we should get ready for the next day with the same lethargic state. When this happens in longer terms we automatically slip into mental illnesses. 

In this regard let us understand the process of sleep that happens in our brain and what are the two basic mistakes people commit which makes them go crazy by not getting proper sleep. 

" Both the major cause and major symptom which we can observe in almost all mental illnesses is sleep issues. Sleep has very intense impact on an individual's overall health "

The process of sleep differs from person to person. By default, some people get sleep the moment they lie on bed. Where as some individuals cannot get sleep for 1-2 hours after they put their bodies on bed. 

Variations also include like some people may wake up even when they hear slightest of sounds in their surroundings. Where as some people won't wake up despite the sounds of quarrels that comes from their neighbouring beds. These vast range of sleep habits differs from person to person and by default their bodies get tuned to some habits. 

When we start thinking about the background work our brain does in sleep, we can understand how to achieve some sound sleep. The first among the two steps to get good sleep is having a sufficient physical work. 

When i say physical work, I am not talking about the office work people do. Sitting at a same place for 7-8 hours actually makes our physical body to rest comfortably. Ofcourse it gives some permanent body aches as additional benefits. 

It is also important to not sit in the same place for longer times. The reason why we need some physical body work is because our brain doesn't allow us to sleep peacefully unless our physical body get strained in sufficient levels. 
Thus it takes the physical strain as the first eligibility to allow us sleeping peacefully. Many techies and modern day generations are not aware of this fact and they wonder why aren't they able to sleep well. 

Goodnight sleep

Accordingly we must always have that enough physical body work. Modern day individuals should focus on things like gardening, Yoga asanas(yoga exercises), walking and various household chores. 

Doing these things on daily basis will prepare us to get the sound sleep. You can search yoga asanas for general health in youtube to get an idea. Go for the genuine sources. 

Yoga asanas are safest physical streches where there will be no side effects unlike the physical workouts or exercises that are carried out in gyms. The only rule for any yoga exercises is to do them before taking breakfast or before lunch in day time. The other health benefits are bonus. 

The second step is putting away your electronic gadgets one hour before and one hour after sleep. This is the most crucial area where the majority of individuals are lacking knowledge on. Electronic gadgets including mobile phones, laptops, tabs etc are a big "NO" to use them before sleep.

That is because the moment we get access to dynamic information that is available on internet, our brain automatically gets into hyperactive mode.  Our interest levels get skyrocketed without our awareness. 

The problem with this hyperactive mode is that our brain takes a good amount of time to get back to normal state. Until our brain gets to normal state it won't allow us to have some quality sleep. 

Majority of the times this thing happens subconsciously. So many individuals thinks that they are getting sleep despite using mobile phones until the last minute of their awaken states. 

But in reality their brain has not yet settled to normal states, hence they get that poor quality of sleep. As a result they experience that restlessness despite sleeping for considerate amounts of time.  When this continues for longer periods they slowly observe the symptoms of various illnesses.

Then why to put away the gadgets one hour after sleep. The same thing applies in morning too. If we grab our phone right after our waking up, our brain gets into hyperactive mode instantly. But this time we carry that hyperactiveness all the day. 

That is because whatever be the initial states our brain gets into during early morning, it habitually carries those impacts on our entire day activities. So our productivity gets effected hugely. 

Rather if we can put away gadgets one hour after sleep, the peaceful states continue all the day and we experience the life in a better way. You can experience that difference within days time. 

Incase if putting away gadgets 1 hour before sleep becomes tough at initial trials, you can start with 15 or 10 min at beginning and gradually you take it to 1 hour over a period of time. A kind of efficient approach to achieve things. 

This two aspects are  the most ignored by this generation, so it's better to change their habit to avoid unnecessary issues coming at them in future. When these things done in right way, they can solve sleep problems to almost all individuals having different sleep habits.

We can concentrate on few other aspects including genuine meditation process, taking some good foods in dinner that will not inhibit the sleep. Sleeping on time is one of the best ways to avoid sleep issues. 

Irregular sleep times does have larger impacts on quality of sleep. The sleep clock should set well and maintained consistently. We often see people try to sleep in the day time as the replacement of lack of sleep in their previous night, Which is not a good habit. 

Because the day sleep and night sleep differ on many levels. The day sleep cannot give the same positive effect the perfect night sleep can give. Day sleep is never a replacement for night sleep. 

Moreover sleeping in day time may cause obstacles for the night time sleep . This habit of sleeping in day time and not getting sleep in night may quickly become as a routine cycle. So it's best to avoid this replacement habit.  A warm advance goodnight for all sleep lovers. 

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