Learn how to not get struggled by your own decisions : Most efficient ways of finding truth


Learn how to not get struggled by your own decisions : Most efficient ways of finding truth

In the last article we came to know about the extreme importance of knowing truth. We have come across the benefits and consequences. 

Now let us try to put some analysis on the dynamics that involves while finding the truth. Finding the truth is paramount in our day to day dealings. The things could be anything that is related to our daily life. 

It could be your decisions on personal relations, believing or disbelieving confessions of other people, financial decisions, taking a political stand, figuring out the genuinity of anything we come across and more importantly maintaining a healthy body and mind. 

If anyone doesn't get the importance of finding truth you can refer the previous article.To make the process understand better, this analysis of finding truth is categorised into step by step procedure.

1) Willingness to find out the truth without any biased inclinations 
2) Investing your own time and efforts to find out the truth
3)Coming to a conclusion based on your own personal experiences, generated from your efforts. 

The moment when we hear about the things which we are not really aware of, we should receive them as 50-50 possibilities. It means we neither rejecting them blindly nor accepting them. It could be true or false. 

This is the most fundamental scientific attitude everyone should have to get an idea about the reality.

Willingness to find out the truth without any biased inclinations 

The moment when we hear about the things which we are not really aware of, we should receive them as 50-50 possibilities. It means we neither rejecting them blindly nor accepting them. It could be true or false. 

This is the most fundamental scientific attitude everyone should have to get an idea about the reality. Because majority of people when they hear upon the things they are not aware of, they try to come to a conclusion hastily by believing or disbelieving the things. 

It happens because the things may seem impossible from their perspective. It can happen consciously or subconsciously. They either condemn the things or easily accept the things. 

When they do this, they are indirectly closing the possibility of knowing truth. Because once we come to a conclusion, then there will be nothing much left to explore.

In the case of people who doesn't come to quick conclusions, they try to find out the truth with some biased approaches. It happens very often. 

It means they already have some initial impressions about the respective thing, it could be positive or negative and they try to find out the truth through those "initial filters". 

This is most unscientific way because when you see anything through the filter of impressions, your analysis get diluted which pushes the truth far away. 

So it's important to understand that before initiating the process of finding truth, make sure you won't make any hasty conclusions and the second you won't get biased.                 

Investing your own time and efforts to find out the truth

The next step is to put some efforts and utilise the time to gain some personal experiences. This is where everyone must be alert because a single wrong direction can completely ruin your efforts. 

For example a person heard about the benefits of yoga, meditation for the first time in his life. Upon hearing the details of yoga, just like in the standard process, he neither condemned it nor accepted it. 

But he is ready to find out the truth without any biased approach. Hence he put some efforts and decided to visit a yoga centre near by. Obviously after some period of time he will gain clarity through his personal experiences. 

If he experience the benefits, he comes to a conclusion that yoga is genuine. If he doesn't experience the benefits, he comes to a conclusion yoga is not genuine. But in this scenario he should be careful while depending on the "sources". 

In case, if he blindly goes to any random yoga centre without enquiring about the authenticity of respective yoga centre, he definitely going to ruin his time and efforts in "wrong direction". 

Because even if he practice yoga for years he won't be getting any results as the very "Source(yoga centre)" is not standard. So when he doesn't get the benefits he comes to a wrong conclusion that yoga is not genuine. 

It's like permanently closing the possibility of knowing truth about yoga. Hence when we invest our time and energy in finding about truth , we should be careful while selecting the "Sources" we rely upon. Yoga is just an example you can put different scenarios you want to. 

Coming to a conclusion based on your own personal experiences, generated from your efforts.

When the first two steps are conducted successfully, then we definitely get some constructive inputs. This stage will be far better than our initial situation. It will give us absolute clarity on the respective scenarios. 

Because we successfully entered into scope of reality or truth. When we attain this stage , without any confusions or hesitations we easily take decisions. 

The consequences of decisions we make will never go against us. They will never trouble us. That is the power of knowing truth or reality. 

In the above process , there will be some situations where you may not find a way to know the reality. Like you may lack some genuine resources to rely on or you may not have enough time and efforts to invest. 

If that is the scenario then it's best to not get into conclusions blindly. You must always take the decisions after analysing various possible scenarios. 

Your decision should be guided by both your conscience and analysis of all possible scenarios. If you can do that , the chances of you being troubled by your decision will be extremely less.

Investing our efforts in appropriate areas.

Just because we come across the things which we don't know, it doesn't mean that we must figure out the truth about every random thing. 

We should be aware and wise enough to decide on the areas which really matters to us. Which are eligible enough to put our precious time and efforts on. Only then we must brace ourselves to get aligned with reality. 

Trying to find out the truth regarding the daily gossips we hear, relations which are not valuable to us, irrelevant things which doesn't make a positive impact on us etc are absolutely avoidable. 

For example if a person heard that earth is round. As he doesn't have any personal experiences, he decided to find out truth by himself. So he struggled for years to build a satellite by himself and in the end he found that the earth is round. 

What difference or impact it could give to him despite wasting his precious time and efforts?. Rather if he had invested his efforts in finding truth about yoga, he would practice yoga and avail the benefits which definitely makes some positive impact. 

So it's always crucial to differentiate between the things which really matters to us and which doesn't have worth to invest our energies and time. 

We are habituated to the approach, where we consider the possibility of things only when they are proven in modern science, labs and research centres. 

In the process we rule out the possibility of things which are not proved yet by modern labs. Until then we never hesitate to condemn the things we come across which doesn't have any modern labs approval. 

So the below analysis explains why it's better to have 50-50 possibility mindset rather than blindly discarding the things which deserve our efforts.

Different ways of accepting or approving things as possible realities

Suppose if you go to sentinelese islands or any islands where you have some tribal population who don't have any connection with modern world. I think you have an idea on those tribal people. 

For example you have gone to their islands. There you met a young tribal person. You told him about "Electro magnetic waves" . 

You also conveyed that, hey we have discovered "electro magnetic waves". We also found a way, how to utilise them for humans. So I want you to utilise those benefits. 

The moment he hear this from you. He just go crazy of the reality you are talking about. He just simply condemn the possibility. Then how do you prove those electro magnetic waves to him. 

Because even if you bring the machines or devices that prove electro magnetic waves. On the first hand he don't even know what are those devices are. How they operate. So he don't even believe in those devices. 

How can you prove those electro magnetic waves to him when the tribal individual neither knows the concept nor ready to explore the truth. If he condemns the things blindly just because it seems impossible to him. 

This scenario occur because his way of believing/accepting/approving things are completely different from how you believe/accept/approve the things. 

You have your own faculties-equipments-terminologies that proves your subject. Where as that tribal person has his own faculties-perceptions-terminologies that proves a subject. More over just as it seemed impossible to his perspective, he is not even ready to explore the truth. 

In the similar way vedic concepts like "karmic deposits, rebirths, previous births, God, universal love, Vedic astrology, oneness consciousness, yoga, meditation etc etc" has its own  faculties-equipments-terminologies that cannot be understood clearly by seeing though "Modern labs". 

It not necessarily to be validated through getting "lab made proofs" to accept them. it's purely based on personal experiences. Personal experiences are given more importance.

For instance if you don't believe them until you get proofs from modern concepts. You just won't receive the benefits. Just like as how a tribal man rejected our " Electro Magnetic concepts". 

What is the consequence of that. The tribal man cannot access the benefits of modern science. If he would have taken a 50-50 possibility approach he could have atleast come forward and experience the reality by himself. 

Here all the three, the tribal man, modern science and Vedic science are absolute realities in their own ways. So modern way of proving things is not the ONLY way. 

Our efforts of trying to prove the modern science through the tribal individual perspective I.e., without using any modern ways becomes futile. 

It may take our entire lifetime to start the things from scratch through his way of receiving things to prove "electro magnetic waves". In the similar way expecting to prove mystical concepts through modern way is irrelevant. 

Because the possibility of getting results is very less. We may not even find a way to prove in our attempts. Rather we just waste our precious time, energy and progress. I'm not trying to demean any methods. 

Because every science is unique in its own way. Even the tribal man may have expertise in other concepts where we don't even have basic knowledge on. So considering that our way is the only way of proving things is just a wrong perception.

Anyone expecting validation of mystical vedic concepts through modern sciences is just like writing a literal HTML based syntax code in Java editor and trying to execute it to get some UI output (a website design). 

You will never get the direct proofs. Literal HTML syntax code doesn't work in Java editor. They both are not compatible, being unique in their own ways. 

Just because as we are not getting a output it doesn't mean the HTML technology is a lie. The fault is not in science the fault is in our way of finding truth.

If the modern way of proving things is really the "Only way", then on what modern approval does vedic sciences like yoga, ayurveda, astrology evolved, flourished and being utilised by humanity since thousands of years. 

Many people say I believe/disbelieve "Karma". Why belief is relevant here. Karma is nothing but combination of an action followed by a consequence. If a person won't eat food the very next day he feel weak. 

This action of not eating food and consequence of experiencing weakness is what karma means. It is as simple as that. What is the role/relevancy of "belief" here. 

It's just that as there is always subconscious impact on us, We often do mistakes unknowingly. But irrespective of we doing activities consciously or subconsciously doesn't change the consequence right!. 

Consciousness and subconsciousness does matter only before we commit any activity. Where by the help of consciousness we get a chance to decide what to do and how to do. But once the activity is done, then we are going to face the consequence irrespective of our intent.

Just like if a person habituated to smoking in his teen age. He is going to get the adverse health issues after certain period of time. Here whether he consciously made the mistake or he subconsciously made the mistake is not going to matter.  

Consciousness can help him to decide on what to do and how to do. Such consciousness can be attained only through genuine spiritual sources. 

Likewise karma apart from our present actions it also indicates our past subconscious mistakes we have already committed. So all those fruits of our past subconscious mistakes is known by vedic astrology. 

A genuine astrologer can put forward what are the struggles you are going to get in this life as a consequence of your past subconscious mistakes. So that we must avoid any behaviours that trigger those struggles. The time phase between an action and consequence is decided on nature of action. 

An expert astrologer can put forward all the major incidents you faced till now along with exact time phase. So we must be open to experience at first hand rather than blindly discarding the things. 

How does ancient sciences still exists. It happened only because everyone considered the 50-50 possibilities when they first heard about yoga. Upon their personal experiences they further promoted the science. 

If they have condemned the possibility at the beginning itself just because there are no "physical proofs" or as it seemed impossible in their perspective, the sciences won't even come this far to counter the problems facing by modern humanity and drive humanity towards perfect consciousness.

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