Communication Confessions - 2

Communication Confessions - 2

In theprevious article I have discussed two factors which decide effective communication i.e., What to speak and how to speak. The later one is focussed mainly.Now what if a person falls in the first category. 

Although most of the people lacks the conveying skill but there are considerate amount of people out there who falls under first category (what to speak).Assume how horrible the daily consequences will be in a person's life if they do not know what to speak.If a person speaks inappropriately then it will instantly creates impression that they lacks communication skill.

I'm confident that you all have met atleast one person in your life who talks inappropriatley in majority of your meetings.That is because the person is not sure of what to talk .Those people cannot be engaged in a conversation for more than 5 minutes.

If there is fault in conveyance it can be set right by practicing,improving vocabulary and accent etc but if a person do not know what to speak it requires lot of effort to overcome.Generally these kind of people face the problem because either they did not get enough family support or due to extreme control put on them by the parents in their childhood.

It doesn't mean to put blamegame on parents,as we don't know whether it happened intentionally or not but focussing on solving the issue will make way to happier life.

If you observe , communication skill 

will be developed in the beginning

stages of our life.The kind of exposure

and the communication lessons from 

parents either verbally or by means of 

demonstration is the only fundamental 

source for effective communication .

So in order to overcome this obstacle , 

people should work on their attitude 

, definetely these kind of people 

undergo some form of depression 

every time when they fail to 


This is where they need 

to stay strong.One must constantly 

remind themselves that the problem 

will going to fix and should be able to 

take every situation in positive 

way.Parallelly they need to get in touch 

with maximum number people and 

observe the way they speak and 

ofcourse what they speak .

Its also mandatory to consult a GOOD 

professional trainer to receive external 

support.There is no doubt in saying 

that the result will be extremely slow 

but a right attitude will definetely 

make wonders. 

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