Communication Confessions

Communication Confessions

Communication is fundamental tool which helps to socialize .Be it humans or animals ,Every living being on earth makes some kind of communication in order to survive and sustain the life.You cannot see a leader or a successful person who is weak in communication .

In other words Communication is the only powerful common feature which can be seen in successful people.So what exactly makes a person to communicate effectively.What actually runs in the background when we communicate .

Effective Communication have two dependencies,First one is What you speak and the second How you speak.These two things should be considered as equally important .I used to observe people while making conversations .One thing which i have noticed is most of the people were aware of what to speak.

But the problem persists in the way they speak or failing to convey what exactly they want to and the saddest part is they are not aware of it which leads to misunderstandings and clashes.

90% of misunderstandings or clashes takes place because of improper conveyance. 
What a person thinks he conveyed must match what outer person received. If it doesn't happen ,there will be dual confirmations respectively for a speaker and receiver which ultimately leads to quarrels.

So its a clever approach to make sure whether the other person received our communication effectively or not.Even though most of the successful speakers may fail some times to communicate effectively. So here the question is what factors decide the proper conveyance.

There are few things which play prominent role ,one of them is a clear voice.There should not be mumbling while speaking.The other one is using appropriate words in the situation you are. A perfect vocabulary definetely yields huge benefits. People who are good in communication won't fades away in search of words,their flow of words are continous with barely couple of breaks, usually they have enough command on language .

Another factor is body language, if what you speak won't match your body language and facial expressions it will be another big obstacle to overcome.Its better to analyse these points while communicating .

Communication is a skill and as a skill can be developed ,Finding out the areas in which a person is weak and striving towards the development is what needs to be done.

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