Human body and it's purpose : Mystery of life explained

Human body and it's purpose : Mystery of life explained

Most of us sometime or other experience random thoughts like what is the purpose of life, why this body,why are we here etc. However  because of our involvement in  daily activities and busy schedule those thoughts gets fade away instantly and again pops  in our mind some other time .

Let us try to know the facts behind the question. Suppose if we are asked to answer what is the most complicated machine on earth, some people  think of aerospace machines , some people may point out naval air craft carriers, computer machines , artificial intelligence etc but if we keenly observe human body itself is the most complicated machine  on earth.

Because all other machines are invented and successfully ran by humans , but nobody till now manufactured a  human body exactly 100% .

Human body is an opportunity to be utilised in a proper way, by practising higher vibrating level thoughts consistently to achieve mastery over body, there by getting rid of cycle of births and deaths  or attaining self enlightenment."

Yes! Human body itself is a machine works with numerous fundamental principles,advanced communication systems. It comprises of beautiful cameras as eyes with  576 megapixels(scientifically proven). Speakers as mouth.

Hearing capacities as ears. Legs generate  movements. Heart,brain,bones and list goes on counting. We tend to take everything as granted , so we took even our body as granted and using it without acknowledging it's brilliance and using it without proper maintenance.

So why did we get this body and what we are supposed to achieve. If you observe only humans has specific capabilities among all other living creatures. Animals and other species cannot match human capabilities in various issues .

That reminds that humans has some special responsibility to do things more than what animals do. If we observe  today's world there is not much difference between animals and humans. Animals only goal is to live their life i.e., survival .

Living life is the only priority for animals which includes Food,social communications, reproduction etc. Even most of the  humans priority today in the world is just to live the life.

After human birth it starts with education with a purpose of getting a job , job gives us food and money, then after marriage which is a reproduction process, then having children then retirement and the same routine eating, enjoying and then sleep , one fine day death!.

People nowadays thinks that just doing above things are enough and striving hard just to survive their life .Even animals are capable of doing all the things in different formats.

Comparatively our bodies are more organised than animals. What makes difference is just this , we can master our body and emotions to ultimate level which is called self enlightenment or "moksha".

Why we need to strive for enlightenment? What benefit we get by mastering our body. The answer is simple ,To get rid of the cycle of never ending life and deaths.

" The food we eat generates  thoughts in mind. Food impacts both physical and mental states of body. Generally non vegetarian food insists lower vibrating level thoughts in us. That is why all the enlightened masters advice us to prohibit non vegetarian food. Where as plant based food and nature food develops higher vibrating level thoughts and keeps us healthy. Food plays crucial role in this aspect. "

The lower vibrating level thoughts comprises jealousy,hatred,anger, unnecessary desires ,lust,greed, selfishness,ego etc.

These thoughts generally are compared to below human standards. Where as higher vibrating level thoughts comprises humanity,ethical and moral values such as Truth, Righteousness, Helping nature, self confidence, peace, love, non violence etc are considered to be in par with human standards.

So having said that, Every human being is left with two options to decide whether to be in tune with higher vibrating levels or go with lower vibrating levels . It's our choice . That's same with following your dharma, Do your dharma.

This human body is capable of experiencing both categories at any time for any human. So when a person chooses lower section , indirectly he/she degrades to animal levels or level below human standards.

In other words that human still did not get mastery over human body and thoughts. Which in turn makes his/her soul to continue in cycle of life and deaths.

Do not think cycle of life and death as simple issue, because in this life itself right from our birth to till now ,we know how many sufferings we have gone through being human.

Rich or poor everyone must go through pain,disease and death. Nobody can feel those things for you. It's better not to mention how much animals suffer. Many people will take it as simple issue. It's just like cat hiding logic.

You generally see cats doesn't hide their entire body but just their face and it thinks if I cannot see nobody then nobody can see me!!. The same goes with the people who doesn't care these issues. If they just ignore the pain in life then will they get escaped?.

That's hilarious. So getting again a human body to attain mastery is also not easy. If a person live all his life with lower vibrating levels after death his soul automatically gets connected with a body which is suitable for lower vibrating levels i.e., non human bodies.

Getting an animal body is horrible. So just be in tune with human standards which vibrates in higher levels . Continuous practice of being in higher vibrating levels will make you to attain mastery and finally you will attain self enlightenment i.e., your soul will be free from this drama of births and deaths. After enlightenment You as individual will remain forever with eternal bliss.

You continue to exist as individual with all your memories with out a need of body. This is what a soul in human body has to attain. This is the purpose of every human body. So stressing for attaining humanity values is just not because of morals but it's because of our self interest.

This structural facility to attain self enlightenment is only available for human bodies. A proverb "Jantunaam Nara janma durlabam " convey that it's almost impossible for a soul to get human body among animal bodies.

So whether utilising our precious body in right direction or not is in our hands . "Kriya yoga" is one kind of process to attain self enlightenment. Getting a genuine master or guru is really tough but it will be a huge bonus ,as enlightenment process will get skyrocketed. You can practice "kriya yoga " also get knowledge at genuine organisations.You can chckout genuine yoga organizations websites Sathya Sai organizations, Yss-Srf center, Ananda sangha, Isha foundation, Art of living.

These are like external resources for self enlightenment. Practice higher level thoughts in your day to day life and take external help to succeed.

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