Autobiography of a yogi : A book that guided millions including famous celebrities

Autobiography of yogi : A book that guided millions including famous celebrities

It's really unfortunate that whole world get caught in the hands of deadly virus "corona". Nobody expected this situation would arise in this year. However it's high time to cross check the reasons that instigated this deadly virus. World leaders should come together and search for the real cause to stop future outbreaks. 

Amid corona tensions I want to introduce a book to read. "Autobiography of a yogi (AY)" is a book written by paramhamsa yogananda , a well-known yogi and guru . This is not a review but mostly kind of my experience when i first opened this book and browsed through it's contents. 

It doesn't come under the section where only bookworms or literary lovers can try this book. For everyone who has the ability to read find this book relevant.

 You cannot change the outer world always the way you want so it's wise to change your body and mind the way you want. "

Coming to its contents as the title says, it is a self biography of the author paramhamsa yogananda. Here right from childhood to last days, his captivating narration regarding the experiences keeps us engaging.

This book covers wide range of topics related to God, meetings with various social reformers,encounters with some mystical beings ,mysterious incidents involving the beings of outside realms,his initial struggles with English, Journey to western nations, guru traditions in india,kriya yoga introduction and it's birth, astrology prominence, a detailed and scientific approach towards kriya yoga thereby explaining the necessity of kriya yoga to humanity in this modern world. 

The unique narration style includes sensitive humour which keeps the readers engaging throughout the most serious topics. This combination of serious topics linked with sensitive yet effective humour is balanced very well.

By his narration style one can understand that he kept his viewers in mind and took care not to bother them. With all due respect to other books related to God,this book make us to have deeper insight into kriya yoga and other traditional practices that will give a clear picture of what exactly happens beyond the screen. 

His mentions about oxygen,ether,carbon manipulations inside our body using kriya yoga for our benefits will satisfy even atheists who goes and believes more with physical world.

He also stresses that whatever be the miracles that are performed by the mythological characters are actually not miracles but those divine beings satisfied the very micro and miniscule rules of universe which are far beyond the modern science discoveries. 

You can also find bible references frequently, if someone who goes with bible can also relate to this book very comfortably.

 As explained above the beauty of book lies in his INTENT to unite all people irrespective of their spiritual opinions and driving them towards divine kriya yoga. Everyone knows that yoga or meditation needs to be practiced under professional guidance as it deals with our body. 

So without knowing the process and without proper guidance yoga is not recommended. He addressed this problem by establishing YSS-SRF( Yogoda satsang society - Self realisation fellowship) organizations throughout the world. It's international head quarters is located in los Angeles, USA. 

This book is available in 50 different languages. In its organizational branches you can find certified kriya yoga practitioner's who will initiate us into the kriya yoga and guide us. For the people who doesn't know kriya yoga, it is a kind of meditation where you learn more about how to handle your body and mind. 

You cannot change the outer world always the way you want so it's wise to change your body and mind the way you want. It's like reverse engineering. Needless to mention all the mental ailments anxiety ,depression, addictions, panic attacks etc gets eliminated by consistent practices on daily basis. It keeps you at higher level frequencies. 

One more interesting thing is that yogananda in his book mentions about the Great guru,master of masters known as "Mahavatar Babaji". He also mentions his encounter with babaji.

There were many celebrities who became devotees in his times including  George Eastman, founder of Eastman Kodak; Leopold Stokowsky, conductor of the Philadelphia Philharmonic Orchestra; Margaret Woodrow Wilson, the daughter of the former US President, and Clara Clemens, the daughter of Mark Twain.

Latest  famous personalities including former Beatle, George Harrison; founder and former CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs; legendary American singer and songwriter, Judy Collins, and Queen of Pop, Madonna, among others, were profoundly influenced by AY. 

George Harrison said: “if I hadn’t read [the book], I probably wouldn’t have a life." Recently Indian cricket batsmen Virat Kohli shared his joy regarding this book. When yogananda left his body,The then mortuary director, Harry T. Rowe in a notarized statement said, it’s a mystery as to how Yogananda’s body did not show any “visual signs of decay, any physical disintegration, or any odor of decay” for several days after his demise. That shows his mastery over body and mind. 

Steve jobs literally used to gift the book for the people on their birthdays. Just one thing to remember is read this book with an open mind without judging or complaining or having presumptions. 

when I read the book for the first time without having any prior impressions it blew me out completely. It was like hangover and had tremendous positive impact for years. It's a must read book for everyone and then practice kriya yoga through yogoda organization to get real time benefits. You can get details on yogoda official website.


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