All summer things you should know : A cool summer guide for red hot summer

All summer things you should know : A cool summer guide for red hot summer

Summer is the most intense season in many countries. Although summer period varies from nation to nation, most of the nations experience temperatures soaring. Most common temperature records ranges from 30°c - 45°c . 

In some asian countries particularly specific areas, it may reach upto 50°c and above in the month of may . Some people blame sun for this in the news headlines, but they need to understand that it's not the fault of the sun but fault of humans who are not capable of understanding nature.

They are increasing pollution ,cutting trees,destroying mountains ,exploting all natural resources shamelessly. So it's because of these foolish activities temperatures are getting skyrocketed.

Because if you observe the summer temperatures were almost  5-10°c less when compared to 10-20 years ago. The sun is same and distance between earth and sun also same. It's not the fault of the sun it's the fault of irresponsible leaders who are changing the earth's environment. 

Where as few nations have relatively less temperature records. Obviously they are less prone to sun strokes. So this article is stuffed  with different unique aspects to make summer as safe season. Few of them are beneficial for all the seasons.

Taking your body for granted is a big blunder. Many people think that nothing can happen to them even if they go outside without covering their head. It's the same people who suffer from sun strokes majorly. Because nature doesn't care a damn to immature human attitudes."

Outfits we use
It's not an unknown fact that different people have different body temperatures. Because of that reason, the seasonal intensities are never uniform to all people. For example if we take summer season, given the same temperature one person feels comfortable where as another person may experience extreme hotness. 

So in that context we need to understand that depending up on own body types people should take necessary steps. Majority of the times it's not only body temperatures that effect us but also the clothes we wear. Yes, outfits you wear are the ones which exhibits tremendous impact on the temperature you feel.
All the garments which are manufactured from material other than cotton will generates some kind of irritation with in you. Especially if your body is naturally hot then it's like double bonanza . Not only the body temperature but additionally you must bear the heat from the clothes you wear. 

That is why most people experience a different kind of heat in their body. It's not exactly the heat, but mix of heat and irritation that makes them go crazy. Specifically in middle class families it's pretty common to see verbal wars between parents and kids. Kids demand air conditioners where as parents may not afford them. 

It's not even kids fault because they are unaware of what's making them to feel extreme heat with irritation. So when you experience such situation then it's time to choose cotton clothes. Even if your body is naturally normal , non cotton clothes exaggerate the heat than what actually it is. 

Just like as we wear sweaters in winter it's biological need to always wear loose cotton clothes in summer. That will make you feel relaxed. Many people don't even know how to identify cotton clothes. So better if elders can help them. 

If you wear cotton you will not feel the same irritation, that's thumb rule to identify cotton clothes. You can feel the difference instantly. It's not that you will never sweat with those clothes when temperatures are very high , but even if you sweat it won't make you go crazy. 

Replace cotton wherever you use clothes,whether it is bed sheets, towels or any where. It's better to not wear any garments which are black in colour. As black absorbs the heat and channelize to us.
Intake of water
Another common mistake to highlight is drinking water immediately after coming from outside in hot summer. Many people doesn't know that they should not drink water or any liquid immediately after staying in sun for long time. 

That's because your body will be at certain temperature when you stay out and when you immediately drink water of less temperature your mind gets confused. Because your mind always wants to keep uniform temperature in your body. So two different temperatures makes our mind confused. 

If you drink chilled water it amplifies the confusion furthermore. You know if our mind gets disturbed then the discomfort is inevitable in any form.

So it's always advised to not drink water immediately when you come from outside no matter how thirsty you are. Give some gap in the mean time your body will get to normal temperature. 

Also there are many negative speculations going on refrigerator products nowadays it's better to store water in clay water pots. You may not get ice cubes as you get from refrigerator but the water will be very cool and satisfaction is guaranteed.

So try clay pots. It's also healthy according to ayurveda. Always drink adequate amount of water in summer. It's better to drink small quantity of water in intervals.
Behavioural flaws
The root cause for sun strokes is careless attitude. Yes you heard it right. I have seen many people who doesn't care their own body and when something unfortunate happens those poor fellows gets shocked.

 It's a mandatory thing that whenever you get out on a sunny day, you must cover your head with a kerchief or any cloth!. Because head is the most sensitive part.

The heat can directly descends down to the body. The cloth protects you from direct heat and sunlight. Even if the temperature is very high you will get protected to some extent. 

Almost majority of people won't follow this precaution as either they must be unaware, lazy or due to their careless attitude. Taking your body for granted is a big blunder.

Many people think that nothing can happen to them even if they go outside without covering their head. It's the same people who suffer from sun strokes majorly. Because nature doesn't care a damn to immature human attitudes.

So it's better to cover heads with clothes or by any means when you go out on a hot sunny day. Sometimes if the temperature is very hot you can experience hot winds blowing over you. If that happens it's better to stand aside or cover your nose with a cloth. As the air you inhale has the ability to cause sun strokes.
Finally here comes the food we take. It's pretty important to be aware of categories of foods that produces heat and coolness in our system. Have plenty of fruits in summer. Frequent intake of fruits keeps your body hydrated. 

Fruits like grapes , water melons are suitable in summer. But be careful with some fruits like papaya, mango etc which causes heat. Those extra spicy,oily and salty foods are big no.

Garlic also said to be heat generating substance. So it's better to avoid intake of garlic in summer. Curd also produces heat when consumed directly where as if it is taken in form of buttermilk it cools our body. 

Buttermilk,Jowar juice,onions etc will generate coolness in our body and are extremely beneficial in summer. But most of them like buttermilk ,Jowar, watermelon, guava etc must be taken along with suitable amounts of salt.

Salt acts as catalyst which won't let those extra cool effects disturb our system. It stabilize the coolness as per our body requirements.

That's the end of the story. So instead of worrying after getting sun stroke or dehydration effects it's always wise to take necessary precautions before. As prevention always outsmarts the cure.

    Got some cool summer tips? I would love to hear from you. Drop them in comments section.


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