What is sanathana dharma: it's concepts, motives, history, illusions, yoga, mediation, and much more (Part-2)

What is sanathana dharma: it's concepts, motives, history, illusions, yoga, mediation, and much more (Part-2)

This is part 2 of the article. If you didn't know about part 1 Click here . So that you can understand the flow better. We have covered the Sanathana Dharma's meanings, it's original concepts. 

Additional to these things some portion of duplicate version on Sanathana is explained. In this article you come across the remaining part of duplicate version on Sanathana dharma. Also debunking the myths,false accusations and history is put forward. 

Some important queries like why God is not protecting the people who are dying in road accidents on their way to spiritual tours also explained. So let's dive into the topic.

Sanathana dharma without vedic concepts and values is just like a body without life. Which is an unfortunate reality now."

"The question is that if the god existence is real then why he is not protecting the people who are dying in the midway during their journey towards a temple or any spiritual tour." 

Present day duplicate version of sanathana dharma

Temples are another important issue. Nowadays there is a trendy business happening in the name of temples. Many new temples are under construction not because of devotion but due to the business. 

It has become fancy nowadays that some random individuals start construction of temple and they roam for donations, after acquiring sufficient amount they construct the temple and make it popular. The normal people starts visiting there by offering various resources in the name of god. 

Where as those resources gets shared by the government, temple builders and some amount is contributed to develop the temple. Surprisingly the ancient prestigious temples also converted into business. Temple lands are occupied on large scale in all villages. If you take example of Lord Balaji temple. Just 2-3 hours of break will be given in night from the darshans. Who are they to give such small period as rest to divine.


They are very busy in popularizing and growing the business in the name of temples. Only god knows where all that revenue is going. In the same way there are many people who wears a saffron dress and projects themselves as gurus.

The original gurus are the people who gain the knowledge of vedas and guide the people in appropriate way. Nowadays people also moulded in a way that whoever wears a saffron dress he is treated as guru(master). 

In actual sense a saffron dress should be put on by the sanyasis. Sanyasis must follow certain strict rules like avoiding meat,alcohol,not staying at a place for more than 3 days, should always roam, should not obsessed with metals,foods, luxuries etc. 

The actual rules list is very big. But where as today from nowhere people are popping up wearing saffron dresses. Gaining popularities by some cheap publicity stunts, obtaining funds and establishing peetams!. 

People as I said earlier, are in illusion that gurus are the ones who wears a saffron, without verifying the person's background,his knowledge and his intent. The outcome of this scenario is what we are seeing of fake baba's , fraud personalities doing all kind of nonsense. Where as some so called gurus giving wrong conceptual theories to the people extending their confusion furthermore. Because even those gurus don't know how to answer the queries.

What's more shocking and disgusting is even some pseudo secular forces entering into sanyasis and questioning vedas in disguise of gurus. Not everyone who put on saffron clothes are Guru's. You should not follow them blindly and give donations. 

Another important area where many people including religious experts are failing to answer a crucial query. The question is that if the god existence is real then why he is not protecting the people who are dying in the midway during their journey towards a temple or any spiritual tour. 

Everyone must be aware that there is a fundamental rule in Vedas that is "Dharmo rakshathi rakshitaha". If you protect dharma it will protect you in return. It means personally  if you abide consistently to the individual and common dharmas that are prescribed in vedas then you will enable the possibility of protection. 

As there is no availability of vedic knowledge, nobody is aware of what are the dharmas a person needs to be followed. So the outcome is everyone is living their lives with full of lower vibrational thoughts anger, fear, cheat, lies, addiction, violence, egoistic, absense of compassion etc. 

They are not following any dharmas yet they are very busy scheduling spiritual tours. God will never protect the people who go against the humanity values. Fine example is an excerpt from Mahabharatha. Both Kauravas and Pandavas did worship gods, conducted yagnas and did all the so called "spiritual stuff". 

But in the end, the lord Krishna himself involved in elimination of Kauravas and protection of Pandavas . That clearly shows that anybody who encourages evil will ultimately gets destroyed. Where as Pandavas tried their best to follow the dharmas and they got protection. 

So it's not the spiritual tours that should happen at first place, it's the implementation of dharmas which must occupy the first place. No matter how many worships or how many spiritual tours a person does it completely goes in vain if he/she is evil inside.

Debunking myths and pseudo secular agendas, some false accusations, history 
There are some concepts which are cooked up, fabricated and propagated very well to bring down the unity of sanathana dharma. It happened because some people looked santhana dharma in religion point of view and out of jealousy they tried to bring down the system of sanathana dharma. 

In the beginning era of modern technology many people laughed at the ancient traditions including usage of neem leaves, use of turmeric, yoga, meditation and other stuff's which are being followed today in the entire world for their beneficial nature. 

It had been treated as some foolish activities even by the people who are in sanathana dharma. The same  people now realising the facts, after the following it gained all over the world.

As I said vedic fire rituals when organised as per rules has the ability to yield the desired results. That's because vedas are fully fused with "Beejaksharas". "Beejaksharas" are certain kinds of words when uttered in right environment and with right intent, generates the ability to produce enormous amounts of power .

Vedic pundits must go through specific training kind of thing right from their admission into the vedic schools. Training includes performing celibacy until marriage, avoiding telling lies, keeping far away from alcohol, meat, not involving in any kind of illegal activities, daily performing sandhya, chanting vedas, following dharmas and the list goes on. 

It's because if a person do not utter those beejaksharas with right intent and specific pronunciation they produce horrible effects. Only if such people having commitment and do yagnas then yagnas will ripe full benefits. But Nowadays majority of people doing yagnas in most ineffective ways. 

They drink, they eat nonsense, they lie, they use nasty words, they perform yagas and yagnas. How can you expect good results with this kind of behaviours. It's like sending non technical person to repair a vehicle. It won't work. Rather that person may end up amplifying the damage.  

If a person is not commited and yet perform yagnas then chances of getting negative results is possible reality. It's like messing with high voltage power. If you have the knowledge of handling the electricity it's fine. But if a person is not aware, the same electricity may kill the person. 

There are many incidents where people with immature attitudes conducted yagnas like Chandi and other fierce diety homas and later they experienced the horrible results. 

That is the reason why till late 20th century even expert vedic scholars used to think twice before conducting such yagnas. A small mistake can make things go haywire. Because any power in this world does not have good or bad qualities on its own. It's the intent and usage of the power decides the outcomes. 

Let us take an electric sub station, if a random person tries to enter the sub station then automatically the security comes and restrict his entry. If that random person says that i'm indian it's discriminate to prohibit my entry, will it make sense. Taking the substation safety, society safety, that random person's safety into account the permission is restricted. 

In the similar manner, not everyone is allowed to read vedas or conduct homas considering the safety of society. It's not discrimination it's a kind of precaution. Also there are many sensitive mystical concepts mentioned in vedas. Like we come across astras in Mahabharatha epic "Brahmastra,  vaayuvaastra, agneyastra etc". 

Additional to that vedas are in Sanskrit language. Sanskrit language needs certain amount of maturity to handle. Because for a single word there will be multiple meanings. So based upon the context of the phrase or sentence the meanings get changed. Taking this as advantage every random person giving wrong interpretations and without properly understanding the true meaning or by they doing intentionally. Context is very important. 

Vedic experts who follows all the rules and tremendous experience also sometimes misunderstand the exact meanings realted to context. So how can some random individuals who doesn't even know basics of sanskrit can conclude the exact meanings.

"Shastras" means physical weapons like bows, arrows, swords etc by which limited enemies were killed. Astra means the power beyond physical limits. Upon certain dedication and Sadhana kings used to get mastery over "astras". That too to use them only against the evil. Astras when combined with physical weaponries creates rampage in killing enemies. 

Those effects can be related to todays powerful atomic and nuclear bombs. So having such sensitive information, vedas are limited to only fewer people with certain commitment and awareness. 

So thinking that a specific caste ruined the knowledge of Vedas by keeping themselves is complete misunderstanding. The system is brahmins with all the rules i mentioned above used to study vedas. Later the knowledge is transferred to king and also to individual villages in the form of gurus. 

Paralelly kings themselves used to take care regarding the survival of vedic pundits. Also people used to respect and offer them something. Because if anyone helps or support the people who always involve in betterment of whole society, they will acquire enormous positive karma. Because in Sandhya everyday the very first sankalpam or prayer is to wish the whole world a peaceful and joyful life. That karma will either solve their upcoming negative karma's or will bring enormous prosperity to that respective individual. 

The same we see in the charitras of yogis like Gajanan Maharaj, Shirdi Sai baba, akkalkot maharaj etc. Because they are also the same people who always worked for betterment of society selflessly, infact we can see the incidents they themselves donated to vedic scholars. 

Also people who supported yogis elevated the prosperity in their lives. Where as the people who opposed yogis got suffered a lot later. That derives the moral of the story. 

Where as due to consistent attacks and cruel mind games many brahmins lost access to vedas. Only few of them left aside even they are staring at dilemmatic future. Because there is no scope for their livelihood based on their education.

The society today due to lack of awareness and impact of negative brainwashing thinking that particular caste is keeping the vedic knowledge themselves. Reality shows that there is no system functioning, neither to spread the vedic knowledge nor to take care of their livelihood. 

Then how vedic knowledge can be transferred to whole society. You never see a king in the history without a guru. Even if he had a negative shade. In Mahabharatha and Ramayana the incarnations of god, lord Rama and lord Krishna themselves surrendered to their gurus. That signifies the importance of having guidance of a guru for every individual including kings. 

The same way there was no village without vedic pundits, there was no family lived without guidance of gurus. Vedas are like user manual to lead lives  peacefully. The solid proof for transfer of knowledge to whole society  is until late 20th century every household used to have minimal knowledge of how to lead their lives. 

Every household knew basic vedic knowledge stuff like taking neem leaves daily, using turmeric, abiding to their dharmas, helping nature, keeping physical contact with earth on daily basis and many more concepts. 

Someone may think it's because their ancestors passed that knowledge to their off springs. If that is true then why not the same ancestors didn't pass the knowledge. Because today 90% of the people doesn't know any of those things. It's a open fact. That itself proves the point that there was a seperate guru system existed in villages that guided every generation with their knowledge. Without such special system it's impossible to carry forward the valuable information for ages.

I'm able to quote just few of the concepts like consuming neem leaves, turmeric, yoga, mediation. All together won't even contribute 0.5% of actual knowledge. Imagine how many concepts that have gone in vain. Caste system was projected as some discriminative system. Caste system was used as division of work in the society. 

Sanathana dharma always see a human life in soul perspective. It means the soul and the body are two different entities. Body is always temparory and soul is always eternal. Based on this principle the concepts like " Karma" and "reincarnation" is explained!. 

It means our birth is not in our hands. Do we decide our birth regarding place and family, No right. If there is chance to decide everyone will choose the rich families!. 

It's the very place and family of birth is a major cause for all the different personalities in society. So whatever be the deeds you do in this life will decides your next birth. Being aware of this concept our ancestors never divided on caste basis. Because today's brahmin may be yesterdays other caste. 

As caste keeps on changing for a soul in every life. So caste system is intended only to ensure smooth flow of work. The same incidents are explained in books like "Guru Charitra" in incident of "Trivikrama bharathi" . Which explains the flow of soul through the bodies of different caste. 

Having understood this concept very well every caste stood united with only one Sangam(community) in a village. They saw caste system in division of work perspective rather than some discriminative system. The solid proof for this unity is that there were no individual caste sangams(communities) as we have now. 

But today there are many  individual caste communities. When there is an attack on sanathana dharma , people keeps on conveying that there is no unity between the people in sanathana dharma. How can you expect the unity if every caste has their own sangams. The very concept of having separate communities destroys the spirit of unity.

Nowhere in history you find mention of individual caste communities. Santhana dharma has divided into bits and pieces because of this scenario. Caste system was utilised as division of work in previous day's where as today the actual motive behind caste system has wiped off but it has been using to generate differences between the own people. The first caste communities were formed in 20th century.

The cause for the all these malpractices will take us to consistent invasions that happened around 1000 years ago by Islamic invaders. The invasions were happened very consistently for long periods as the native rulers strongly opposed their entry. 

After few decades they occupied the northern part and slowly started their influence on India. When the times of rulers like Aurangzeb had come. They understood the core concepts of the sanathana dharma. 

Out of hatred and intolerance they started destroying vedic schools and continued the mass assassinations of brahmins or vedic pundits. Even after independence incidents like Kashmir pundits and many such are happened throughout the country.

The common agenda is to wipe out vedas and generate differences. They searched and killed the pundits. Unofficial war sustained on santhana dharma culture. Universities of Takshashila and Nalanda which were considered as one of the oldest universities got destroyed. 

In that period many parts of vedas got destroyed. These things happened at early periods of invasions. Later excluding some extreme personalities, Islam rulers themselves embraced the sanathana dharma and continued the older system of spreading vedic knowledge into the society. 

They took care of vedic scholars. When the harmony between two groups was building up, then the british led East India company entered into india in disguise of business partners in the period around 1600.

By the time India contributed around 26% of world's economy even after those invaders lootings. These tremendous amounts of wealth was accumulated in india because of its sophisticated administrative systems like goods exchange system(link), Division of work systems, awareness of earth's dynamics etc which are part of vedic culture for ages. 

Being direct witnesses of the resources, multiple small kingdoms and lack of unity between kings, british slowly took the advantage and started to grab kingdoms by their "Divide and rule" policy. By the period around 1850 they started occupying the major parts of India.

In the process they tried by every means to destroy the culture of sanathana dharma in religion point of view. By analysing the sanathana dharma structure they got to the conclusion that if they can manage to deny the access to vedic knowledge and create internal differences , their conquer becomes a lot easier.

In the process they targeted the vedic scholars and pundits by offering them jobs in villages and other cities. So that they can make them to stay away from vedas. 

Addition to that precautions to study vedas, division of work was very well projected as discrimination process which led to the real differences between the people in sanathana dharma. 

In this period the unity degraded to all time low levels. They even fabricated the history and started smear campaign of Aryan Dravidian theory. For that they hired a person named Muller who started conversion of vedas into wrong interpretations. He strongly suggested the spreading of their religion into india, connecting indian origin to some outside people. If you want to know more see this Article.

In the process, insisted by british he proposed aryan dravidian theory. A person challenged a prize money of rs 15 lakhs to prove that Aryan invasion theory is valid. None came forward and submitted any kind of proofs. These many physical attacks and mental mind games on sanathana dharma made it weaken furthermore. 

Even while their departure british dissected india into two parts on religion basis so that the rivalry becomes never ending. We are experiencing the hatred and heat since freedom. One monkey two cats principle had applied.

Using that as diversion they looted around $45 trillion value of wealth from india since their arrival. 45 trillion dollars is the recent official announcement by indian government on east India company lootings .

We should follow "forgive but don't forget" principle. Because hatred cannot undo the history nor it solve the problem. As whoever the person in hatred, he keeps on wasting his energy for his enemies. That's not a wise thing to do. 

But if we forgive, we can live present moment peacefully at the same time we should not forget the history so that we can rectify the mistakes and not to go through same mistakes again and again. 

If we count the lootings right from islamic invasions the count goes unstoppable. They even manipulated history and archaeology departments to make sure the people won't unite again ever. The present education system have this hatred concepts in their text books that has been teaching to kids since decades. 

Even till today there are many pseudo secular forces, theifs, mafia and anti national elements in disguise of poltical parties,social organisations, media etc working behind the screens to destroy the remaining sanathana dharma. Some so called secular poltical parties spilled their poisonous agenda by questioning the very existence of Ramayana and other epics in courts.

Where as in reality there are tons of evidences coming into limelight regularly. Due to their intentional mistakes now we are facing problems with neighbouring countries. So people needs to be aware of all these poltical agendas. This is happening since independence. 

But they are failing to understand of losing precious concepts which are already welcomed by many other countries. Many countries are implementing yoga, meditation, pranayama, ayurveda etc as a technology rather than seeing it through religious layer. It wouldn't be possible if it is considered as some religious property. 

Whichever that benefits humanity needs to be welcomed irrespective of its origin. In this entire history there were very few sanathana dharma religious heads coming forward to stand against fall of vedas. When parting within sanathana dharma is happening on large scale, only few came forward condemning the lies and gave clarification on false propogandas. If such things happened on large scale the unity would be at better level. 

Ultimately its a loss to common people living without awareness. It's completely opposite towards the ideal principles of divine souls like aadi shankaracharya. Shankaracharya is popularized with advaitha concept intentionally. 

But what he did at first place was restoration of precious systems like Goods exchange system which are capable of providing food and other survival facilities to people at ease. He travelled all over India for 4 times with his bare foots.

Because no matter how much expertise you attain in spiritual states nobody will listen to you, if people are starving and has their own survival concerns. After restoration of systems  he proposed various principles. 

Later keeping the future incidents in regard he established 4 peetams at four places of country covering east, west, north and south. Their main objective is to always work for  the stability of original sanathana dharma.
Sanathana dharma without vedic concepts and values is just like a body without life. Which is an unfortunate reality now. Official peetam heads should come forward and take initiative in restoration of system. Because only they can do this. 

Only they have authority with lineage of guru tradition. So that fruits of many precious sciences like yoga, meditation, ayurveda, humanity values, vedic astrology and much more unknown scientific concepts hidden in vedas can be made available to everyone through prescribed ways, or else it's tough to maintain happy and healthy lives. 

Also it's very crucial time to restore the culture and unity by giving clarification on various toxic propagandas that penetrated deeply long ago. Because when gossip is global, it's time for truth to go viral.

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