What is EQ and SQ: how they are related to IQ

What is EQ and SQ: how they are related to IQ

Intelligence Quotient which is frequently called as IQ is very much familiar to many people. Especially it is considered as a tool to measure the reasoning ability of a person. Which is also considered as a measurement of intelligence and success an individual can achieve.

In the similar way every school or education system in this present world has become IQ centric institutions, where enormous amounts of care is being taken to amplify the IQ of the students. In order to ensure smooth flow when they are ready to hunt their career opportunities. 

In this context let us understand what is EQ and SQ. What does they mean and what is their impact on human life. How can we utilise all the three EQ,SQ and IQ combined for our welfare. Spiritual path is just like alternate source to withstand.

In any point of life, if you face much difficulties and starting losing hopes on material world. Then if you have already invested some energies towards spirituality, you can quickly tune yourself into spirituality. So this works as alternate base for material world. 

If material world is not going well, then you must able to concentrate on spiritual targets. Just like as if plan A fails then you must have some back up plan B. If everyone has this kind of multiple areas to invest their energies. There will be no depression and suicide. Because spirituality is like a deep sea. No matter how much you progress you still have something to explore.

A person with suit and boot may work in 100 floor building covered with glasses at the center of new york city, yet his inner self may be at slum with full of anxiety and depression. "

Emotional Quotient 
EQ and SQ are abbreviations of the words Emotional Quotient and Spiritual Quotient respectively. It is undeniable fact that today's society has been concentrating on elevating an individuals IQ. It has become extremely obsessive to the extent of completely neglecting the Eq and Sq.

Whichever country you take or whichever the institution you take the whole energy is focussing only to raise the levels of Iq as much as possible. Children are going through such systems right from their childhood and manifesting their future in the same way.

In the process they are completely getting ignorant towards their Eq and Sq levels. When we look into relation between these three entities. Eq and Sq can be considered as building basement and Iq as building itself when seen from structural perspective.

We can understand their importance in our lives by the analysis we go through. Let us talk about the nature of emotional quotient and it's benefits. Emotional quotient is nothing but having certain level of emotional maturity in order to handle the world.

The kind of situations people face varies for every gender, country, social situations and many more factors. There will be million wide variety of real scenarios people has to deal on daily basis. For that everyone need to have that emotional intelligence as an asset.

This emotional stability cannot be developed just by a thought or over short period of time. It needs to be installed in humans right from their childhood along with the same importance as Iq. Why I am stressing on Eq because that is what today's so called Intelligent people are lacking in their lives.

For example when world was facing huge financial crisis in the year 2008-2009, an IIT Gold medalist who settled in chicago got terrified. Out of fear and anxiety he killed his wife and children and later committed suicide.

So what does this incident conveying us, no matter how much you amplify your Iq it doesn't matter if you don't have proper Eq. Getting a gold medal that too in one of the world's prestigious institution IIT is not an easy task.

He did very well and reached the peak position and settled in chicago. But due to complete negligence on his Eq and Sq, his Iq became futile and did not rescue his life. A person with suit and boot may work in 100 floor building covered with glasses in center of new york city, yet his inner self may be at slum with full of anxiety and depression.

Celebrities and every successful people sucide tells us the same thing all the time. Why all these things happening, because there is no proper system for us that can install Eq and Sq along with Iq in children. As every crucial thing about life can be effectively learned at child stage. That is the beauty of that age.

Once the person grows up it becomes tough to change his behaviour or to improve the stability towards life. So emotional stability is to having that patience, bravery, analysing problem, fearlessness and hope towards future.

So all these things as I said cannot be developed instantly it needs to be taught for every children those who go through their education. For the people in this generation, even if they are elders, they need to start working on increasing their emotional stability. Making themselves stronger to get ready to face any kind of hurdles that life throws at us.

Because remember Eq and Sq are like engine to a motor bike and Iq is like styling parts of bike like body works or fairings. So building inner strength through positivity is like having strong durable engine. You can style your outer part of bike by various designs.

That is like getting worldly success along with having good levels of Eq and Sq. But if the engine itself is weak then there will be no sense of styling your bike. Like majority of people concentrating today in their lives. They are achieving huge goals and reaching peak levels of worldly success.

They are decorating their lives with success and when life gives them a small jerk or instability their weak engine is no longer able to bear it consequently causing a permanent collapse. Once the main part engine is crashed, what can you do with those outer decorations!.

Sathya sai

Sathya Sai Baba


Spiritual Quotient
Now it comes the importance of Sq or spiritual quotient. Many people think spirituality is a weird zoner that is different from normal life. They see it as some alien thing and differentiates from their daily life. So what does Sq do to our lives. Spiritual quotient helps us in building a stronger Eq without any special efforts. 

Whatever be the spiritual paths they all helps us in developing positive attributes like love, truth, peace, non violence, volunteering, righteousness, oneness feeling etc. Investing our energies into spiritual areas by doing yoga/meditation/knowing concepts of spirituality etc helps us in developing positive attributes. 

What does positive attributes do? They consequently improves our emotional well being and emotional stability. For example many spiritual paths guides us to show gratitude towards nature for providing all the things that support our survival. We often see spiritual souls daily offering gratitude for Food, water, air, sunlight, earth, trees etc for their cooperation to our survival

What does this do subconsciously?. It simply creates some awareness in our brain that there are some systems that are working on our side. Because we show gratitude only when we receive some help. So by doing that we subconsciously informing our brain that we are not alone and whole nature is working for us. 

So even if something disturbing happens with other people, we do not feel loneliness as our brain subconsciously, without intentionally got habituated to the fact that there are things that are on our side. So this is just a small example. So whatever be the positive vibes we develop they work on different layers of our brain with much intensity. It ultimately strengthens our Eq. 

Positive attributes may look ineffective and simple just like a piece of grass. Where as negative feelings may look dynamic and huge just like a mighty tree. But when a strong wind or hurricane attacks, the mighty trees fall down oftentimes  where as the hurricane cannot do anything to the little grass. 

Similarly by virtue of the nature, positive attributes are stronger even though they may look less attractive or feeble ones. Another aspect of spirituality is projected into very deeper sense. The severity of life struggles varies from person to person. It is always unpredictable in every individual's case. 

It means there is no guarantee that there will be no severe hurdle we face in life irrespective of financial, society and other aspects. So anything can happen to anyone in anytime, that is the nature of life. So investing into spiritual areas convey our brain that there are lot many more areas we can concentrate on apart from the material world. 

It is just like forming Base A, Base B for our lives. In case if the base A is getting collapsed we should have alternate base B to jump on, in the same way if we face huge stress and negativity from material world, we can quickly turn our focus towards spirituality as alternate base to withstand atleast for time being rather than going hopeless by seeing the tragedy of life, that is possible only when you try to invest energies to imbibe spiritual ideas into material world in your daily life rather than seeing them as two different entities. 

After some duration we can look into solutions to deal with material world or building base A again. So these kind of switching into different areas in life depending on different scenarios helps us to face any kind of problem. 

But rather if you solely invested your energies on just material world without having any awareness on spiritual concepts, the moment you face any difficulties, as your brain is not aware of different kinds of areas in life, it will quickly jumps into the conclusion that we are a failure and leads us to unwanted stuff. So going with multiple bases is a wise option than living with single base. 

In an attempt to establish the same in children a divine soul had laid foundation for value based educational organisations in the year of 1981. He is Bhagwan Sathya Sai Baba. Knowing the adaptability capacities of children he started unique educational approach by simultaneously installing all the three Eq,Sq and Iq in the children. 

Many students have benefited from that and leading both successful and joyful lives. It also served a better society because today's children are tomorrow's society. Sathya Sai Baba is known for his divine nature by performing various miracles. 

In addition to that his love towards humanity is expressed by construction of humongous water projects and multi speciality hospitals that work for absolute free of cost for the people who cannot afford their health expenses. 

SSIO(Sathya Sai International Organisation) have been conducting many more social services to the people of India and 129 countries worldwide working on ideal principles "Love all, serve all" & "Help ever, Hurt never".

Government administrators and educational dignitaries in every country should come forward and study these kind of educational programs. Because that is when the real positive change  in society can be seen.

This can be seen in below incident. In 2011 Indonesian government formed a committee of 100 educational faculties from the country's islamic universities. It sent them to different countries to analyse the various ongoing educational systems. 10 members group  of  that committee visited India. 

They observed educational system in Mumbai University. Later they visited Sri Satya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (SSSIHL). They stayed for 3 weeks and analysed this unique educational system. They got impressed by this system of installing all the three EQ, IQ and SQ in the children. They astonished by knowing cumulative success of both students and organisation in longer terms.

In their dossier to their government they stated that "Sometimes we need to see the things directly in order to believe something". This has become true in our journey to analyse SSSIHL. If we didn't get an opportunity to visit this institution, it would become tough for us to believe that without taking any amount from students making a quality progress is possible for an educational system in todays world. 

They stated that there are 5 things they have noticed in their analysis. That is i)Spirituality, ii)unique system of developing EQ, IQ, SQ, iii)No duality seen in words they speak and actions they do, iv)Intelligent quotient along with Humility, v)Compassion towards fellow lives. 

So these are the highlights of that document. In similar way every institution should always get updated towards the best effective practices that are happening in the world that can yield fruits for both the students and society.

For any individual who are living their life just by their Iq, ignoring the Eq and Sq is like building 100 storey building of cards. A small wind(trouble) can collapse the whole building. So as first step, forming a strong base with Eq and Sq, then progressing towards building Iq is an apt approach for tremendous life stability.

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