One simple perception to conquer many toxic emotions: All you need to know about oneness consciousness


One simple perception to conquer many toxic emotions: All you need to know about oneness consciousness

There are many people in this world who struggle alot to overcome the negativity. Negativity generating within them or negativity that is aiming at them from outside. 

We often see people saying words like "I tried my best to control my anger but I can't do it by myself". The same thing happens with heavy toxic emotions like hatred, jealousy, intolerance, "Dumb" selfishness and many more. 

You will get to know at end of the article why I consciously choose the word "Dumb" selfishness. So even if people won't admit they are going through them openly, but deep inside those emotions play with them all the time. 

Their efforts to overcome them fails usually. In this regard let us know about one simple yet powerful perception that can slay all the negativity with its dynamic nature. 

" The moment you recognise anything with your own identity the consequence is nothing but complete acceptance and complete tolerance. It doesn't even let you to think of exhibiting negativity towards that identity. 'I' means 'ILLNESS' 'WE' means 'WELLNESS' "

Almost all of us have experienced this perception in our real lives very often. It's just that we don't think about what it is and how it works. The common thing for everyone is we behave differently on different scenarios. 

Like when we are in our homes we behave in one way, the moment we step outside we behave in other way. Our way of approach changes towards outer world depending on the situation and environment we are in. 

Here the change in approach just simply indicates that our perception of seeing things is getting changing subconsciously without any specific efforts from us. Change in approach is a product of change in perception.

When we take this change of perception with respect to this article, let us take our family members as example and our perception towards them. 

We behave with them differently depending on the environment we are in. When we are in our homes we behave in one way and when we go out as a family we behave differently. 

To say in short we are more tolerant towards our family members when we go out. At the same time when we get into our homes we automatically become less tolerable comparatively. 

Tolerant in the sense expression of our acceptance and support towards them. This huge change happens because when we are in home, our perception of who we are is just limited to this single body. It's limited to just "you". 

Where as when we go outside as a family, what everyone does is they subconsciously expand their perception of who they are. They link their personal identity with their family members. 

Universal consciousness

In this case it's not only them in their perception but they treat the whole family as them. So here when they expand their identity to their whole family, they automatically become more tolerable and more accepting towards their family members. 

Because they are no longer considering their family members as some different people as they usually do in their homes. Naturally, as it is connected with their identity they don't express any negative emotions towards their family. 

That is the reason why no matter how much family members quarrel with each other in their homes, they cannot digest a single abuse from outside people on their family. 

That sense of unity/tolerance happens because when they are outside, this is the thing that happens in background. In the similar way we can see the difference in our attitude on various platforms. 

Suppose if you need to participate in an event, where people attend from different parts of the nation. So when you reach the event, you automatically get connected with the people who came from your city. 

In this case your identity is expanded to your whole city subconsciously. So as your city is linked with your personal identity you automatically get tolerable towards your citizens. 

Now let us expand the possibility furthermore. Assume that there is some international activity is happening. The moment you step into that event you automatically get curious and tolerable towards the people coming from your own country!. 

Now in this case your identity is expanded to the whole country. So automatically your acceptance and tolerance levels welcome the people of your own country. Because now it's not just about your city but your identity is expanded to the whole nation. 

For suppose in future we get some fair contacts with "good" aliens. As "bad" ones definitely won't organise such events for us. When we step into the universal event we automatically accept and tolerate the people from planet earth. 

Because now our identity is not just limited to the country we born. It is expanded to the whole planet. From all the above examples we can derive that, the moment you recognise anything with your own identity the consequence is nothing but complete acceptance and complete tolerance. 

which doesn't even let you to think of exhibiting negativity towards that identity. Because your subconscious is no longer differentiating between you and them. 

The moment there is no differentiation, why do you think you will get played by the negativity. Because all negativity starts from the single source "Differentiation". Rather you end up destroying those thoughts permanently. 

So negativity happens only when there is a feeling of differentiation. Negativity happens only when you consider things that they are not related to your identity.  

This is what oneness consciousness mean and how we all do it subconsciously all the times. Now let us see what difference it creates on physical level. 

Intelligent selfishness vs Dumb selfishness
We come across people having different levels of selfishness. But almost majority of them belong to dumb category. Only few people comes under intelligent category. 

Intelligent selfish people knows the reality that their well being is highly dependent on other people's well being and society's well being. 

Where as dumb selfish individuals lives in illusion that their well being is just dependent on them. They don't care what's happening with society or their fellow individuals. 

For example a person is working in a 5 floor building. His cabin is located at 5th floor. Suddenly he saw some highly flammable substances that stored in ground floor. 

Yet he thought that it's not his head ache to deal with. My life is going fine. That's enough for me. The next day he saw some immature people playing with those flammable substances. 

Again he ignored that by thinking it as someone's problem. One fine day blast happened and the ground floor caught fire. That individual is at 5th floor, upon knowing this incident he is still ignoring it by thinking that it is not happening at 5th floor. 

It's happening in ground floor and why should I care. But he is not able to know the reality that, his well being is dependent on the well being of whole building!. The same thing happened in the case of covid. 

No nation came forward and condemned the animal cruelty and unhygienic practices that happened in particular part of world. Everyone thought that it's not our business and kept their silence. 

Silence is nothing but an act of encouragement. In reality does we have some direct relation with the person who first effected with covid? No! Yet majority of individuals on this planet got effected in someway.

That is how society works. That is what living together as a society means. Every single activity of every individual is going to impact the society in someway. 

Whether it is limited to you, your family, your lane, your city, your country or whole world depends on the type of activity you have taken and the intensity it is carrying. 

It could be both positive and negative. Unfortunate reality is no nation is realising this simple fact. Till today no nation is condemning such activities. 

As usually such unhygienic activities are again taking place. When this happens again there will be numerous pandemics that may attack the world in coming days, if there is no action taken towards the solution. 

In the similar way whoever the people we are surrounded with, it may be the company, it may be the home and it may be anything. Our well-being will be always dependent on our surroundings well being. 

Yes there may be few things which needs to be done on individual level. But unless we wish or work towards our surroundings well being, our interests are going to be at risk. 

Because for us to be in a good shape our environment must be in a good shape. That is the primary rule. If the primary rule is satisfied then the secondary rule activates that is whether we are working for it personally. 

If we take necessary steps personally we can achieve well being. But where as today most people are ignoring the primary rule and directly aiming at secondary rule. They just trying for themselves. Even if they achieve the secondary rule. 

They cannot achieve the well being because unless your surroundings are in a good shape all your personal success go futile. Because your surroundings are not supporting you. That's an incomplete and immature act as whole.

Failing to understand this basic logic, people keep on trying to pull down others. Try to spoil the life of others, thinking that it is benefiting them. But when you do some damage to your environment or people, how can you expect to be peaceful. 

Because that damage is going to come to us just like a boomerang in some other way. As we are also a part of that environment. It's just like messing with a family member. 

As a part of family, our life is definitely going to impact our family's overall well-being. If we project some negative emotions towards any family member. They will face the downfall. 

Suppose they get into depression and behaves crazy. As a fellow family member won't we get effected by their acts and consequences. Definitely we will. We can feel the heat which is nothing but reflection of our own negative emotions.  

Impacts do happen everytime on our surroundings in many levels including directly, psychologically, financially, health wise, politically etc. There are much more subtle levels people can't even think of. 

It's not worthy to mention because people are not in a position to understand the basic direct physical impacts they can see with their eyes. What we can talk on subtle forms. 

By virtue of its nature, living in a society indicates that we are highly dependent on each other in many ways. It's not that it's my life and I will live my life as I wish. It's never going to work in that way. 

Yeah we can do the stuff whatever we want to do, but parallelly nature doesn't give a choice to us when the payback time arrives. Just like it is happening in this Pandemic. 

Irrespective of the world nations approach on unhygienic practices that happened in particular part of the world. Nature compulsively distributed the result leaving no choice other than to accept. 

Everyone irrespective of how rich a person is or how poor a person is, irrespective of status of a person he is maintaining, everyone got the result. Because nature doesn't know any borders. 

National Borders separating nations are just on papers. Created by us for our own individual convenience. Nature doesn't think in this way that okay this happened only in this particular part, so I need to know the nations name and limit the result only to this land. It won't sneak peak into the world map for that. 

It simply treats the whole world as a family and distributes the result as per the intensity. Thinking that a fault that is happening at some part of the world, why should we care is no longer a valid point for any nation. 

So even if you support the fault or even if you condemn the fault. Nature doesn't care until unless some practical steps are taken to abolish such unhygienic practices. This is what this Pandemic taught to us. 

It also challenged our arrogant behaviour of achieving advancements in technology and destroying the nature. No matter how much we advance scientifically we never going to get that complete control over nature. 

Because nature will be always ready to expose its unpredictable and unknown side each time when we violates its defined conditions. That is why every nation gave up and couldn't stop the aggression of virus. 

Everyone just surrendered to it irrespective of their high technological advancements. Now they are saying that vaccine is about to come. But nobody is assuring that it's going to work 100%. 

In the meantime many lives lost and many people gone and still going through different kinds of sufferings. So rather than searching for a solution to a problem, it's better to concentrate on triggers of the problem as first priority. As prevention is always better than cure. 
Installation of oneness consciousness
Knowing all these dependency factors since many millenniums  people followed a Sanskrit verse "vasudaiva kutumbakham". Translate goes as "World is my family". 

Actually what every spiritual soul preached is nothing but absolute selfishness. Yes you got it right. They wanted us to exhibit all good qualities towards others so that we won't be getting any trouble from them in future indirectly in subtle ways. 

They wanted us to fall into intelligent selfish category but not into half baked selfishness or constipated selfishness. When we realise the dependency factors and mould our perception into oneness consciousness I.e., world is my family. 

Then there is no chance of you getting into trap of any negative emotions. Not only hatred we can completely play our own games with emotions like jealousy, intolerance, greedy, dumb selfishness, insecurities, judgemental behaviour etc. 

It's like single point agenda to wipe out all kinds of toxic emotions. What all we need to do is just consciously develop the feeling towards the family and society we are living. In that way we get the benefits both psychologically and physically. 

As we seen in above examples how we subconsciously developed those perception in different platforms, but now we do it consciously to enjoy it's benefits. 

We not necessarily to step into practical way to do something for them. Just assuming that feeling in your brain is enough to gain infinite peace. As you do it consistently you can experience that bliss within you. 

Implementing into practical way depends on your convenience. If you can contribute something you will do it or else you just wish for their well being, That's secondary issue. 

So the crucial point is, as a part of anything we are surrounded with, it's our responsibility to wish for everyone's well being rather than just concentrating upon ourselves. 

It is simply like completely destroying the perception of "others" from our brain. Because the single source for all the negativity starts from "differentiation". 

Ultimately it's everyone's choice whether to fall into dumb selfish category or intelligent selfish category. Choose the one which decides your value. 

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chandamama said…
Very interesting tq sir
Heftys here said…
Glad you liked it. Keep visiting :)

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