How human thoughts and feelings work: Amazing secrets about managing thoughts and feelings efficiently


How human thoughts and feelings work: Amazing secrets about managing thoughts and feelings efficiently

Interlinked "Thoughts and Feelings" get surfaced when we decode and dissect the world to understand basic components that are nurturing the world. For every human based activity happened on this earth till now, they resemble the reflections of someone's thoughts and feelings. 

So if they are that crucial which decides the flow of the world, it's better to know how they work, How to use them, rather than using them without understanding. Thoughts and feelings are interlinked because in all the cases they are nothing but consequence of one another. 

If a feeling gets generated thoughts come up as consequence. And if a thought is taken up then feelings appear as consequence. For easy understanding of the subject let us take one of them to progress further. As both works in  same way. We choose the "thought" for instance. 

In the similar way "thoughts" or "feelings" work. When we get a new thought, it is just like a tiny seed. When we focus on it, Where we start thinking about it by investing our own "Time" and "Energies". Here time acts like "Soil" and energy as "Water". 

When we feed those new thoughts by investing time and energies it slowly develops into a small plant. The same tiny thought develops into a huge tree upon time. Which we call the fully developed thought as habit or personality or something else. So to cut it down to a single statement we can say  " We become what we invest into".

On daily basis our brain generates thousands of thoughts. Out of them only few, which are really going to involve with reality. We unknowingly get ourselves submerged in flow of thoughts without understanding their functionality. This unawareness may not seem as big problem but in reality it is that which is going to create innumerable problems.

To say it in simple way, "thoughts" are just like "seeds". The same goes for "feelings" too. We know about seeds pretty well. A tiny seed is taken, when it sown in the soil and nourished by the water provided by exposure to the environment. Gradually by "time" we can see a plant gets generated from the tiny seed. 

Upon constant support from all the natural resources like water, sunlight etc the plant gradually gains strength and develops into a bigger plant. After some time period the plant gets transformed into a huge tree. The huge tree which is not even close when compared to the tiny seed we sown. But it's the same tiny seed which is transformed into a giant tree. 

In the similar way "thoughts" or "feelings" work. When we get a new thought, it is just like a tiny seed. When we focus on it, Where we start thinking about it by investing our own "Time" and "Energies". Here time acts like "Soil" and energy as "Water". 

When we feed those new thoughts by investing time and energies it slowly develops into a small plant. The same tiny thought develops into a huge tree upon time. Which we call the fully developed thought as habit or personality or something else. So to cut it down to a single statement we can say  " We become what we invest into".

How to manage them

We just became aware about development process of a thought since it's birth. So now it's time to configure what to do with this knowledge or how it utilize it to avail real time benefits. We came to a conclusion that we become what we invest into. 

So this simply means that we need to be aware of the constructive and destructive thoughts that arise from the same brain. As good and bad began to exist since the creation of humanity. It's nature of the world. 

We always takes the constructive thoughts and feed them with our time and energy resources. We always strive to destroy the seeds of destructive thoughts right away when it gets originated in our brain. 

What defines constructive or destructive thoughts?. Whichever be the thoughts that are going to give peace & welfare, for us and people around us when seen from LONG-TERM perspective they are considered as "Constructive thoughts". 

Whichever the thoughts that are going to give violence & destruction for us and people around us are considered as "destructive thoughts".  People generally be aware of the fact that they are getting destructive thoughts. But either they show interest in them or they delay the appropriate action on those thoughts. 

As the consequence of this attitude, the very destructive seed gets stronger and stronger as time passes by. It becomes a strong tree(habit) one fine day. When it happens we cannot dodge from its bitter fruits (effects). That's how bad addictions and mental illness happens. 

One may think what happens if we just ignore the destructive thoughts rather than rejecting them. The difference between rejection and ignorance is, when we consciously reject the destructive thought there is no chance that it will effect us later. It's like permanently destroying a seed. Where the chances of we suffering again are nil. 

Where as if we just ignore the destructive thoughts, it's just like sowing a seed and leaving it. Here we may think we just sown the seed so there won't be a problem as we don't invest our energies(or watering a seed). It won't effect us. It's not the case always because even though when we don't water a seed, the possibility of seed becoming a plant is always possible. As it is still in the soil. 

By some other means it can still have the possibility of getting water. So when we ignore a destructive thought rather than consciously rejecting it right away, our subconscious brain may give energy to it without our awareness. 

That is why now and then people becomes clueless about how they get into wrong scenarios. Hence it's very crucial to identify and act upon destructive thoughts instantly without giving any delays. This conscious actions of us will avoid many difficulties. 

Types of destructive thoughts/feelings

It's very significant to understand the types of destructive thoughts/feelings. Just like how different seeds take different time periods to develop fully in reality. In the same way the speed of development varies in the case of destructive thoughts too. 

Fundamentally there are 7 most severe destructive areas where if we invest in them our life gets messed up very rapidly. They are 1) Gambling games 2) Consumption of meat 3) Consumption of alcohol 4) Involving in Prostitution 5) poaching animals 6) Theft/Cheat & rude behaviour 7) Expecting someone else spouse's. These things may give a feeling to you it as some moral lessons, but it's not the case. 

Whatever the things that are mentioned above has very intense energies by their nature. It means our "human systems" can get addicted to them at a very rapid phase. It becomes very tough to get unstuck once we get connected to them. 

Whoever the people who got addictions in those above areas. All of them at beginning enter with a single thought that is, "let us try for once". Even we hear the same statements from the victims of those addictions. They assume that they will just experience how it feels and will leave it. 

So "trying for once" is nothing but sowing a seed and the problem with these areas is they are very rapid in their growth. People assume that they just sown a seed it may take time to grow into big tree. But in these 7 areas the seeds(thoughts) grow at ultra speed. 

The moment they sow the seeds, without their awareness it becomes as stronger tree(strong addiction). They don't even get a chance of plucking them out. The situation escalates very quickly and goes out of hands. The moment they realize the severity, there will be nothing much they can do. 

Hence these 7 areas are very powerful additions which can mess up many lives all together. So it's better to avoid "try for once" attitude in these specific addictions.  The normal ones are also needs to be plucked out when they are at plant stage (early period) because once they become as fully developed tree(habit). It demands more and more efforts from us to undo the adverse effects later. Toxic Feelings like jealousy, hatred needs to be thrown out as early as possible. Once they get deeply enrooted it really demands enormous efforts from us to come out of it.

Factors that gives us command over managing thoughts 

It's time to consider the factors that helps us to avoid destructive thoughts and to feed constructive thoughts. Our "physical energy" and our "mental energy", These two are very key forces which enables us to achieve things. Unless untill our physical and mental bodies are fit enough, they are filled with minimum energies we are not going to move forward. 

This where the people who suffers from disorders like OCD or addictions fail at. They know what to do and how to do. But it's their physical and mental bodies won't support them. That is why despite knowing the fact that what they do is not appropriate, but they end up doing the same. As they lack "energies" to stop their repetitive activities. 

That is why it's very very essential to maintain minimum energy levels both physically and mentally in our day to day life. If we have minimum amount of energies all the time. We are like in full security mode. Where even if any threats appear in the form of destructive thoughts or bad habits we can easily overcome them with our energy if we are aware of thought process. 

But in case if we fail to Maintain those energy systems, it's like we giving up our security and we are in exposure of threats. Our downfall may happen at any time. To maintain physical and mental energy reserves at least at decent levels, we just need to fulfill few simple things on daily basis. 

Food and sleep are most fundamental things we need to focus on to achieve the same. If we can maintain Appropriate food intake and Quality sleep these both things on time will assure that we never going to run out of physical and mental energy reserves. Food we take is responsible to refill our physical energy and to create different types of mental states. 

At the same time sleep ensures rejuvenating mental energy. Almost all mental illnesses and majority physical illnesses occur from the common root cause when food quality and sleep schedule is badly Maintained. 

To know more about appropriate foods you can check out this article How food impacts thoughts and to avoid sleep issues you can see this article How to get sound sleep by avoiding two basic mistakes. By understanding their importance of maintenance and how our thoughts/feelings work, we are always going to get edge over all kinds of sufferings.

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Esther Camilo said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Heftys here said…
Feedback is much appreciated. Change reflected in the article. Yeah when we work for a greater cause, little typo mistakes do happen. We need to habitaute to take both good and bad in same way. A little appreciation for the rest of the article in your comment would have elevated the appropriateness much more. Gratitude for what we get is never to be ignored.
Esther Camilo said…
I am happy it was just a typo my friend. About the rest of the text, I am not sure if I got it well and if I am capable to make any consideration, but I can put it down some aspects that called my attention. I totally agree with the 7 destructive actions and I am happy the seed was born naturally in my heart. Mainly about meat. The desire has gone.
For the next writing, I wish you could explore more the road feelings -> thoughts. I was anxious to understand how to create feelings like motivation.
Heftys here said…
Good to know about your experiences. Yeah sure, I am planning to write efficient approaches to deal with things like procrastination,lack of motivation etc which is a common issue now a days. I hope you find it useful. At this moment all I can say is, to create a strong motivation for any "constructive goals", we need to have/get a stronger "purpose" to progress.

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